


Alessio, the escalation of hostilities in Rafah and throughout the Gaza Strip is creating even more suffering for hundreds of thousands of children.

Earlier in May, a long-feared military operation began in Rafah forcing nearly 800,000 people from their homes and into unsafe areas and overburdened camps in Khan Younis Al-Mawasi and Deir al Balah, closing key border crossings and further disrupting the delivery of aid — all while essential resources remain in short supply and the threat of famine looms.

In the face of blockades and insufficient access to border crossings, UNICEF has found ways to reach children in Gaza with critical humanitarian relief. In late April, teams moved more than 98 trucks into the Gaza Strip with emergency supplies including:

  • 6,800 cartons of Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food
  • Over 305,000 packs of Ready-to-Use Infant Formula
  • 10,000 cartons of high energy biscuits
  • Over 13,000 hygiene kits
  • Over 56,000 sets of children’s clothes

But with the intensification of violence in Rafah this month, UNICEF and other humanitarian organizations have faced increased challenges to transport assistance into the Gaza Strip. Humanitarian operations that serve as the only lifeline for the whole population across the Strip are being threatened every day.

The situation is dire. If key border crossings are not reopened to fuel and humanitarian supplies, the consequences will be felt almost immediately: life support services for premature babies will lose power; children and families will become dehydrated or consume dangerous water; sewage will overflow and spread disease further.

Simply put, lost time will soon become lost lives.

That’s why UNICEF continues to call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and an end to blockades on assistance. At the same time, teams in and around Gaza are focused on doing everything possible to deliver relief and pre-position supplies for children for when more aid is allowed in. No matter how difficult the circumstances, UNICEF will not stop doing all we can to help the children of Gaza.

We are committed to helping meet children’s needs.If you’re able to give, you can scale relief efforts with an emergency gift for children caught in conflict.

Thank you for supporting children,


English translate


Alessio, l’escalation delle ostilità a Rafah e in tutta la Striscia di Gaza sta creando ancora più sofferenza a centinaia di migliaia di bambini.

All’inizio di Maggio, a Rafah è iniziata un’operazione militare a lungo temuta, che ha costretto quasi 800.000 persone a lasciare le proprie case e a rifugiarsi in aree non sicure e campi sovraccarichi ad Al-Mawasi a Khan Younis e Deir al Balah, chiudendo i principali valichi di frontiera e interrompendo ulteriormente la fornitura di aiuti, il tutto mentre le risorse essenziali continuano a scarseggiare e la minaccia della carestia incombe.

Nonostante i blocchi e l’accesso insufficiente ai valichi di frontiera, l’UNICEF ha trovato il modo di raggiungere i bambini di Gaza con aiuti umanitari fondamentali. Alla fine di aprile, le squadre hanno spostato più di 98 camion nella Striscia di Gaza con forniture di emergenza, tra cui:

  • 6.800 cartoni di alimenti terapeutici pronti all’uso
  • Oltre 305.000 confezioni di latte artificiale pronto all’uso
  • 10.000 cartoni di biscotti ad alto contenuto energetico
  • Oltre 13.000 kit igienici
  • Oltre 56.000 set di vestiti per bambini

Ma con l’intensificarsi della violenza a Rafah questo mese, l’UNICEF e altre organizzazioni umanitarie hanno dovuto affrontare crescenti sfide per trasportare assistenza nella Striscia di Gaza. Le operazioni umanitarie che rappresentano l’unica ancora di salvezza per l’intera popolazione della Striscia sono in pericolo.

La situazione è terribile. Se i principali valichi di frontiera non verranno riaperti al carburante e alle forniture umanitarie, le conseguenze si faranno sentire quasi immediatamente: i servizi di supporto vitale per i bambini prematuri perderanno energia; i bambini e le famiglie si disidrateranno o consumeranno acqua pericolosa; le acque reflue traboccheranno e diffonderanno ulteriormente la malattia.

In poche parole, il tempo perduto diventerà presto una vita perduta.

Ecco perché l’UNICEF continua a chiedere un cessate il fuoco umanitario immediato e la fine dei blocchi sugli aiuti. Allo stesso tempo, le squadre a Gaza e nei suoi dintorni sono concentrate nel fare tutto il possibile per fornire aiuti e forniture di pre-posizionamento per i bambini per quando saranno consentiti ulteriori aiuti. Non importa quanto siano difficili le circostanze, l’UNICEF non smetterà di fare tutto il possibile per aiutare i bambini di Gaza.

Ci impegniamo a contribuire a soddisfare le esigenze dei bambini. Se sei in grado di donare, puoi aumentare gli sforzi di soccorso con un regalo di emergenza per i bambini coinvolti in conflitti.

Grazie per sostenere i bambini,


All eyes on Rafah


Days ago Israeli forces bombed a designated safe zone in Rafah, killing 45 people and incinerating children. Just when we think we’ve seen the worst for Gaza, the horror reaches new heights.

Experts say bomb parts used in the massacre were manufactured by US companies like Boeing and Woodward. These companies and their CEOs are profiting off genocide, making big bucks from weapons that are bought with our tax dollars and gifted to the Israeli government.

For months our community has been calling for an arms embargo with Israel — delivering our voices to officials and the media everywhere from the US to countries across Europe. Now more than ever, especially in light of recent events, we must keep up the pressure on our governments to suspend arms sales to Israel immediately.

It’s easy to feel completely hopeless in the face of genocide, but this is one concrete thing we can do right now to help stop the attacks. Add your name, and Ekō will include it in our next visual protest in DC.

Tell governments: suspend arms sales to Israel.

Israel manufactures a lot of its own defenses, but it also receives billions of dollars in weapons from many of our governments. Until Israel stops the genocide in Gaza and puts an end to its egregious human rights violations against Palestinians, governments should immediately suspend these weapons deals with Israel.

From the US to the UK, Australia to Germany, and the list goes on… our leaders are complicit in these massacres and are helping big weapons manufacturers like Raytheon, Boeing, and General Dynamics get rich off of war. 

The Israeli government isn’t showing signs of stopping the attacks on Gaza, despite being ordered to do so by the UN’s highest court. But if its allies stop the flow of the deadly weapons enabling the genocide, the Israeli government will be forced to rethink its strategy. Add your name to the petition and share this widely:

Stop arms sales to Israel.

The Ekō community has been supporting lawsuits challenging governments for sending weapons to Israel, and thousands of us have sent messages and made phone calls to lawmakers urging them to suspend the transfers. We can’t back off now — let’s 10x our outcry before more innocent civilians are massacred.

Thanks for all that you do,
Rewan, Fatah, Danny, and the team at Ekō

Tutti gli occhi su Rafah


Giorni fa le forze israeliane hanno bombardato una zona designata come sicura a Rafah, uccidendo 45 persone e incenerendo bambini. Proprio quando pensiamo di aver visto il peggio per Gaza, l’orrore raggiunge nuove vette.

Gli esperti affermano che le parti delle bombe utilizzate nel massacro sono state prodotte da aziende statunitensi come Boeing e Woodward. Queste aziende e i loro amministratori delegati traggono profitto dal genocidio, guadagnando un sacco di soldi con le armi acquistate con i soldi dei nostri contribuenti e donate al governo israeliano.

Per mesi la nostra comunità ha chiesto un embargo sulle armi con Israele, facendo sentire la nostra voce ai funzionari e ai media ovunque, dagli Stati Uniti ai paesi di tutta Europa. Ora più che mai, soprattutto alla luce dei recenti eventi, dobbiamo mantenere alta la pressione sui nostri governi affinché sospendano immediatamente le vendite di armi a Israele.

È facile sentirsi completamente senza speranza di fronte al genocidio, ma questa è una cosa concreta che possiamo fare adesso per contribuire a fermare gli attacchi. Aggiungi il tuo nome ed Ekō lo includerà nella nostra prossima protesta visiva a Washington.

Dite ai governi: sospendete le vendite di armi a Israele.

Israele produce gran parte delle proprie difese, ma riceve anche miliardi di dollari in armi da molti dei nostri governi. Fino a quando Israele non fermerà il genocidio a Gaza e non porrà fine alle sue vergognose violazioni dei diritti umani contro i palestinesi, i governi dovrebbero sospendere immediatamente questi accordi sulle armi con Israele.

Dagli Stati Uniti al Regno Unito, dall’Australia alla Germania, e l’elenco potrebbe continuare… i nostri leader sono complici di questi massacri e stanno aiutando i grandi produttori di armi come Raytheon, Boeing e General Dynamics ad arricchirsi grazie alla guerra. 

Il governo israeliano non mostra segni di intenzione di fermare gli attacchi a Gaza, nonostante gli sia stato ordinato di farlo dalla più alta corte delle Nazioni Unite. Ma se i suoi alleati fermassero il flusso delle armi mortali che hanno permesso il genocidio, il governo israeliano sarà costretto a riconsiderare la sua strategia. Aggiungi il tuo nome alla petizione e condividila ampiamente:

Stop alla vendita di armi a Israele.

La comunità Ekō ha sostenuto azioni legali contro i governi per aver inviato armi a Israele, e migliaia di noi hanno inviato messaggi e fatto telefonate ai legislatori esortandoli a sospendere i trasferimenti. Non possiamo tirarci indietro adesso: aumentiamo di 10 volte la nostra protesta prima che altri civili innocenti vengano massacrati.

Grazie per tutto ciò che fai,
Rewan, Fatah, Danny e il team di Ekō

Dott. Alessio Brancaccio, tecnico ambientale Università degli Studi di L’Aquila, membro della Fondazione Michele Scarponi Onlus, ideologo e membro del movimento ambientalista Ultima Generazione A22 Network per contrastare il Riscaldamento Globale indotto artificialmente dalla Geoingegneria Solare SRM


*Satellite images of Rafah before and after hundreds of thousands of people set up temporary shelters after fleeing the rest of Gaza. With the current evacuation orders, they have nowhere safe to flee. Photos: Planet Labs PBC

Alessio —

Not only have Palestinians and aid workers in Rafah been displaced multiple times already, there is simply nowhere safe left for them to go.

As the situation in Gaza intensifies, the call for a ceasefire and access for desperately needed humanitarian aid is louder than ever.

The International Rescue Committee is working tirelessly to provide medical care, essential food supplies, and trauma recovery support to those impacted by the escalating conflict.

Recent Developments:
Israel has issued evacuation orders in central and eastern Rafah, endangering over a million civilians. The closure of the Rafah border crossing has severely disrupted humanitarian operations, including ours. This included the movement of humanitarian personnel and the flow of crucial aid from Egypt, pushing the region deeper into despair.

IRC’s Immediate Response:
Our dedication to the region remains strong in the face of these overwhelming challenges. Here’s a snapshot of how we’re helping:

Medical Care:

The International Rescue Committee and our partner, Medical Aid for Palestinians, have deployed six successive Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs) to Gaza to provide emergency and life-saving medical care. To date, our EMTs have provided at least 384 surgeries and 1,243 consultations, including minor procedures and supporting people with critical care. We are providing nearly 10% of all surgeries there.

Doctors from the emergency medical team operate on a patient at the European Hospital in Gaza in March.

The IRC has also procured and delivered 46 metric tons of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies which the IRC and our partners distributed to support health facilities across Gaza.With another partner, Juzoor for Health and Social Development, three mobile health teams have provided more than 30,000 patient consultations in Gaza. The teams have been providing health services in three shelter clusters in northern Gaza since February.

Food Security:
Working with the Welfare Association, we distributed fresh food parcels to 3,450 families, helping to secure the nutrition needed amid the chaos.

The IRC partnered with Welfare Association to provide 3,450 displaced families in Rafah with fresh food parcels that contain available fresh vegetables and locally produced food items.

Trauma Recovery Support for Children and Families :
The IRC is supporting partners like Nafs in Gaza to provide critical services such as health care, including mental health and psychosocial support. We have begun delivering activities through six mobile community centres—three in Gaza and three in the West Bank. These will reach 5,000 children within the next few months.

In partnership with Nafs, IRC is providing psychosocial care sessions for women and girls who have been forcibly displaced during the ongoing war in Gaza.

Your Support is Vital:
The current circumstances demand not only continued, but increased support. Your donations empower us to expand our aid further to deliver even greater assistance.

— IRC Emergency Response Team

Dott. Alessio Brancaccio, tecnico ambientale Università degli Studi di L’Aquila, membro della Fondazione Michele Scarponi Onlus, ideologo e membro del movimento ambientalista Ultima Generazione A22 Network per contrastare il Riscaldamento Globale indotto artificialmente dalla Geoingegneria Solare SRM


TOP PHOTO: A little girl holding an empty water bottle stands in front of her family’s tent in the city of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip. Amid international calls for an immediate ceasefire, Palestinian families in the Gaza Strip are struggling to stay alive as the bombardment of homes, hospitals and schools stretches into its eighth month. © UNICEF/UNI521729/El Baba

May 7, 2024

Sarah Ferguson

As the ground assault on Rafah intensifies, 600,000 children remain caught in the crosshairs. UNICEF continues to call for an immediate, sustained ceasefire, the release of all hostages and an end to grave violations against children. A look at some of the ways UNICEF humanitarian assistance is making a difference for children in Gaza.

Children don’t start wars but they pay the highest price

More than 200 days of war have taken an unimaginable toll on children in the Gaza Strip: over 14,000 have been killed and 12,000 wounded; 1,750 are missing. In October, families were ordered to evacuate and take shelter in Rafah, swelling the city’s population from 250,000 to 1.2 million. Now Rafah itself is under attack, placing the lives of 600,000 children at risk. On May 7, Israeli forces seized control of Rafah’s vital border crossing, jeopardizing humanitarian aid deliveries that children rely on for survival.

“Rafah is a city of children,” UNICEF spokesperson James Elder said in a Palais des Nations briefing in Geneva on May 7. “If we define safety – as international humanitarian law says we must – as freedom from bombardment, as well as access to safe water, sufficient food, shelter and medicine – then there is nowhere safe on the Gaza strip to go to.”

Nine-year-old Tamer walks through the rubble of his destroyed neighborhood in Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip on March 22, 2024. Some families who fled to Rafah for safety are now evacuating Rafah and returning to Khan Younis to pitch tents on top of the ruins of their destroyed homes. © UNICEF/UNI544682/El Baba

UNICEF is fighting malnutrition, shoring up health services, delivering vaccines, improving sanitation and more

UNICEF has been on the ground in Gaza working to meet the urgent needs of Palestinian children and their families, many of whom have been forced out of their homes multiple times in the seven months since the start of the current conflict. Despite the huge difficulties of delivering supplies and services — including continued air strikes, fuel shortages, communications blocks and attacks on medical and humanitarian personnel and facilities — UNICEF continues to make a significant impact on the lives of children living through a terrible conflict.

Nutrition: UNICEF has established more than 80 outpatient treatment centers in Gaza, where children are screened for malnutrition. The acutely malnourished are treated with therapeutic feeding, while those at risk are provided with supplies to prevent acute malnutrition. UNICEF is the sole provider of supplies for treating acute malnutrition in Gaza, procuring and distributing these supplies to partners.

Health care: Malnourished children are more vulnerable to disease; 9 out of 10 children under 5 in Gaza are suffering from one or more infectious diseases; levels of acute watery diarrhea are 20 times higher than typical. Twenty-five of Rafah’s 36 hospitals have been destroyed; the remaining are damaged. UNICEF is working with partners to shore up health services including immunization to prevent the spread of disease. 

Water: UNICEF is repairing damaged waterworks, including desalination plants and water wells, and pressing for the delivery of fuel necessary to operate the generators that power water systems and the trucks that deliver safe water. According to the latest situation report, in the last two weeks of April UNICEF provided 183,000 liters of fuel, which allowed the production of lifesaving water for over 1.6 million people, including over 800,000 children.

Sanitation: The massive displacement of people and vast numbers crowded into southern Gaza have created a waste management crisis. In Rafah, there is approximately one toilet for every 850 people. Despite lack of space and very limited building materials, UNICEF is providing sanitation facilities: 95 percent of all toilets built in southern Gaza since October 2023 were built by UNICEF.

On a rainy day in the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, children stand outside the tent where they are staying with their families after being displaced by violence. Many families have been forced to move multiple times, only to be attacked again. © UNICEF/UNI521730/El Baba

Cash transfers give families purchase power to meet urgent needs; mental heath programs help children recover from trauma

Humanitarian cash transfers: Cash payments help sustain families’ resilience. UNICEF has reached 85,000 vulnerable families in Gaza, including 25,000 people suffering from disabilities, with flexible funds they can use to meet their immediate needs. UNICEF has also delivered cash assistance to 35,000 pregnant and lactating women to help them afford nutritious food so they can have healthy babies, and provided assistance to 700 sanitation workers to clean up solid waste. 

Mental health: Every child in Gaza needs mental health support to address the potential longterm effects of cumulative exposure to violence, the deaths of family members and friends, and injuries. UNICEF is working with partners to provide mental health and psychosocial support for kids, including hospitalized children recovering from their injuries. Giving children the opportunity to just be children for a while, through programs that center on drawing, games and interactive storytelling, helps them recover from the trauma they have experienced. By mid-April, UNICEF had provided psychosocial support services to more than 151,000 children and their caregivers

“Families’ coping capacity has been smashed. They are hanging on — physically and psychologically — by a thread,” said Elder. “We have pleaded and implored countless times; we do so once more. For the children of Rafah. We need a ceasefire, now.”

Your contribution will help UNICEF reach children in need. Please donate today. 

Your lifesaving donation is 100% tax deductible.

Dott. Alessio Brancaccio, tecnico ambientale Università degli Studi di L’Aquila, membro della Fondazione Michele Scarponi Onlus, ideologo e membro del movimento ambientalista Ultima Generazione A22 Network per contrastare il Riscaldamento Globale indotto artificialmente dalla Geoingegneria Solare SRM


Ogni volta che andavo a fare il turno la mattina era un pugno nello stomaco trovarsi di fronte questa enorme quantità di bimbi ricoverati e pensavo ‘ma cosa c’entrano loro con la guerra?’. Non c’entrano nulla, però erano feriti.”

Inizia così il racconto di Giuseppe, chirurgo italiano entrato a Gaza lo scorso dicembre.

Voci da Gaza

Ascolta la testimonianza del chirurgo MSF

Giuseppe Soriani, è un nostro chirurgo italiano a Gaza. Per ascoltare il suo racconto premi sul tasto “play” qui sotto:

A Gaza assistiamo a un massacro

Siamo nella Striscia di Gaza e in Cisgiordania per aiutare la popolazione colpita. I numeri cambiano ogni giorno: oltre 28.000 persone uccise, più di 66.000 i feriti e oltre 1 milione di persone sfollate senza cibo, acqua, medicine.

In tanti ci chiedete come aiutare:

Oggi ti chiediamo di inviare aiuti con una donazione per curare i feriti in 4 ospedali a sud della Striscia, supportare altri ospedali nel nord e far sì che più di 20.600 persone sfollate ricevano 110.000 litri di acqua potabile al giorno.

La tua donazione di 7€ al mese, o dell’importo che preferisci, può davvero fare la differenza per la vita di molte persone in conflitti come questo.

Fai una donazione online
o chiama gratis l’800 91 31 46


A nome del nostro staff a Gaza e di ogni persona a cui salvi la vita oggi.

Prendiamo in prestito le sue parole Alessio per provare a raccontarti l’inferno di Gaza. Come si lavora in un ospedale in cui manca tutto? Dove si dorme la notte? Quali suoni accompagnano le giornate dei pazienti e dello staff?

Giuseppe ha lavorato nell’ospedale di Al-Aqsa, 250 letti per 680 persone ricoverate, 4 su 10 erano bambini. Ogni spazio era sfruttato per metterci i pazienti: corridoi, bagni, sgabuzzini, scale. I materassi erano ovunque, le scorte mediche pochissime.

Non aggiungiamo altro, lasciamo che siano la sua voce e la sua emozione a parlarti in questa breve testimonianza ►
Al senso di impotenza, alla rabbia e al dolore che questa guerra ci fa provare ti chiediamo di rispondere con tutto l’aiuto possibile.

A Gaza, come in altri luoghi in guerra, è la tua donazione che ci permette di curare le ferite di chi ha più bisogno. Grazie a te non ci arrendiamo e proviamo in tutti i modi possibili a salvare ogni giorno delle vite in più.

Grazie per essere al nostro fianco.

Fonte: Medici Senza Frontiere (MSF)

English translate


“Every time I went to work the shift in the morning it was a punch in the stomach to be faced with this enormous amount of hospitalized children and I thought ‘but what do they have to do with the war?‘. They had nothing to do with it, but they were injured.”

Thus begins the story of Giuseppe, an Italian surgeon who entered Gaza last December.

Voices from Gaza

Listen to the testimony of the MSF surgeon

Giuseppe Soriani, is one of our Italian surgeons in Gaza. To listen to his story, press the “play” button below:

In Gaza we are witnessing a massacre

We are in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank to help the affected population. The numbers change every day: over 28,000 people killed, more than 66,000 injured and over 1 million people displaced without food, water, medicine.

Many of you ask us how to help:

Today we ask you to send help with a donation to treat the wounded in 4 hospitals in the south of the Strip, support other hospitals in the north and ensure that more than 20,600 displaced people receive 110,000 liters of drinking water a day.

Your donation of €7 per month, or the amount you prefer, can really make a difference to the lives of many people in conflicts like this.

Make a donation online
or call 800 91 31 46 for free


On behalf of our staff in Gaza and every person whose life you save today.

We borrow his words Alessio to try to tell you about the hell of Gaza. How do you work in a hospital where everything is missing? Where do you sleep at night? What sounds accompany the days of patients and staff?

Giuseppe worked in Al-Aqsa hospital, 250 beds for 680 people hospitalized, 4 out of 10 were children. Every space was used to accommodate patients: corridors, bathrooms, closets, stairs. Mattresses were everywhere, medical supplies were very few.

Let’s not add anything else, let’s let his voice and his emotion speak to you in this short testimony ►
We ask you to respond to the sense of helplessness, anger and pain that this war makes us feel with all the help possible.

In Gaza, as in other places at war, it’s your donation that allows us to heal the wounds of those who need it most. Thanks to you we don’t give up and we try in every possible way to save more lives every day.

Thank you for being by our side.

Source: Medicines Sans Frontières (MSF)

Dott. Alessio Brancaccio, tecnico ambientale Università degli Studi di L’Aquila, membro della Fondazione Michele Scarponi Onlus, ideologo e membro del movimento ambientalista Ultima Generazione A22 Network per contrastare il Riscaldamento Globale indotto artificialmente



I grew up in a working class household in a small town in the north of Ireland. Back then, my world was simple: school and amateur boxing. I had a chance to learn, play and grow. But these days, millions of children around the world are trapped by war, displaced and caught in crises beyond their control.It shouldn’t be this way.

As part of an urgent push to provide more critical support for children, I’m excited to share that my friends at UNICEF USA are now matching every gift 5X until the end of the year. Every dollar really counts, so please give today while your generosity will go FIVE TIMES as far to reach children.

As a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for more than a decade, I’ve met with children around the world and seen our collective action up close:

I don’t know what challenges the next year will bring for children. I don’t know where the next crisis will unfold. But what I do know is that there is no better organization to support than UNICEF.

With your matched year-end gift today, you can provide 5X as much support to help UNICEF deliver around-the-clock relief so that every new day can be a little brighter and safer for the world’s children.

Thank you for your compassion for children,

Liam Neeson
UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador

Traduzione in italiano


Sono cresciuto in una famiglia della classe operaia in una piccola città nel nord dell’Irlanda. Allora il mio mondo era semplice: scuola e boxe amatoriale. Ho avuto la possibilità di imparare, giocare e crescere. Ma al giorno d'oggi, milioni di bambini in tutto il mondo sono intrappolati dalla guerra, sfollati e coinvolti in crisi che sfuggono al loro controllo. Non dovrebbe essere così.

Nell'ambito di una spinta urgente per fornire un sostegno più importante ai bambini, sono entusiasta di condividere che i miei amici dell'UNICEF USA ora stanno raddoppiando ogni regalo 5 volte fino alla fine dell'anno. Ogni dollaro conta davvero, quindi per favore dona oggi mentre la tua generosità arriverà CINQUE VOLTE più lontano per raggiungere i bambini.

In qualità di Ambasciatore di buona volontà dell'UNICEF da oltre un decennio, ho incontrato bambini in tutto il mondo e ho visto da vicino la nostra azione collettiva.

Non so quali sfide porterà il prossimo anno ai bambini. Non so dove si svolgerà la prossima crisi. Ma quello che so è che non esiste organizzazione migliore da sostenere dell’UNICEF.

Con il tuo regalo di fine anno abbinato oggi, puoi fornire un sostegno 5 volte superiore per aiutare l’UNICEF a fornire aiuti 24 ore su 24, in modo che ogni nuovo giorno possa essere un po’ più luminoso e sicuro per i bambini del mondo.

Grazie per la tua compassione verso i bambini,

Liam Neeson, Ambasciatore di buona volontà dell’UNICEF

Dott. Alessio Brancaccio, tecnico ambientale Università degli Studi di L’Aquila, membro partecipante ordinario Fondazione Michele Scarponi Onlus, ideologo e membro del movimento ambientalista Ultima Generazione appartenente alla Rete Internazionale A22 in contrasto del Cambiamento Climatico in atto