Striscia di Gaza


L’Italia dovrà fare i conti con due denunce, una penale, l’altra civile, con l’accusa di “complicità con Israele in genocidio e crimini contro l’umanità” a Gaza. A presentarle nel corso di una conferenza stampa a Roma una rete di avvocati, sostenuti dal Centro di Ricerca ed Elaborazione per la Democrazia (CRED), insieme ad Amnesty International Italia.

“Abbiamo presentato un esposto alla Procura di Roma”, precisa Fabio Marcelli (Cred), con l’obiettivo di spingere Israele a dare esecuzione alle misure cautelari emanate dalla Corte internazionale di giustizia (Icj), che ha ritenuto “plausibile il carattere genocidario delle azioni dell’esercito e ordinato a Tel Aviv di porvi fine con ogni mezzo”, rivendica. Eppure, spiega, nulla è stato fatto dal governo di estrema destra guidato da Benjamin Netanyahu, che punta invece a proseguire verso un’invasione totale di Gaza, verso Rafah, pur nel pieno di una crisi diplomatica con gli Stati Uniti, dopo che il presidente Joe Biden ha minacciato di sospendere l’invio di nuovi armi verso l’alleato.

“Abbiamo presentato un esposto alla Procura di Roma”, precisa Fabio Marcelli (Cred), con l’obiettivo di spingere Israele a dare esecuzione alle misure cautelari emanate dalla Corte internazionale di giustizia (Icj), che ha ritenuto “plausibile il carattere genocidario delle azioni dell’esercito e ordinato a Tel Aviv di porvi fine con ogni mezzo”, rivendica. Eppure, spiega, nulla è stato fatto dal governo di estrema destra guidato da Benjamin Netanyahu, che punta invece a proseguire verso un’invasione totale di Gaza, verso Rafah, pur nel pieno di una crisi diplomatica con gli Stati Uniti, dopo che il presidente Joe Biden ha minacciato di sospendere l’invio di nuovi armi verso l’alleato.

“Abbiamo fondato il nostro esposto contro l’Italia su alcune evidenze, tra cui l’invio di armi. Siamo il terzo esportatore dopo Stati Uniti e Germania. Il ministro degli Esteri Antonio Tajani afferma che tale traffico è cessato dopo il 7 ottobre ma questo è stato smentito dai dati diffusi da alcuni organismi, come l’Istat”. Ma all’Italia viene contestata anche la “sospensione delle donazioni all’agenzia Onu per i profughi palestinesi (Unrwa)“.

Le accuse di collaborazioni con gli attentati del 7 ottobre mosse da Tel Aviv verso membri dell’Agenzia non sono mai state confermate, tanto che altri Paesi come la Germania hanno poi riattivato le donazioni. Ora, anche il capo dello Stato Sergio Mattarella ha invitato a rifinanziare l’Unrwa, tra le possibili aperture dell’esecutivo Meloni ‘su progetti specifici’. “Per ora non c’è nulla di concreto”, taglia corto al momento Marcelli.

Certo, i tempi sono lunghi rispetto alle cause intentate dalla rete di avvocati contro l’Italia, ma, spiegano, sarebbe già “un successo riuscire a capire cosa è partito dall’Italia dal 7 ottobre in poi verso Israele”, precisa l’avvocato Gianluca Vitale. “Si dirà è impossibile, ma intanto proviamo a togliere l’acqua, l’ossigeno a quelle operazioni“, insiste. Spiegando in conferenza anche la causa civile intentata contro l’Italia su iniziativa di un avvocato palestinese. Ovvero, Salahaldin Abdalaty, che ha perso sette familiari a causa dei bombardamenti israeliani. “Israele sta commettendo un danno e il concorso a quel danno deve essere interrotto dal giudice civile”, è l’appello rilanciato.

La prima udienza rispetto alla causa civile sarà il 13 giugno: “I tempi lunghi sono già una scelta, si vuole perdere tempo”, attaccano. Mentre è l’avvocato palestinese Abdalaty a invocare giustizia: “Israele viola sistematicamente il diritto internazionale. Questo è stato possibile grazie alla complicità di governi occidentali, Italia compresa”.

Fonte: Il Fatto Quotidiano

La Playlist Mondo

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L’ambasciatore d’Israele all’Onu fa a pezzi la carta delle Nazioni Unite in un tritacarte. E dice: “Vergognatevi”

Gaza, due denunce contro l’Italia per “complicità in genocidio e crimini contro l’umanità”: “Fermare subito il flusso di armi verso Israele”

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Gerusalemme, gruppo di manifestanti israeliani assalta il quartier generale dell’Unrwa

Gerusalemme, gruppo di manifestanti israeliani assalta il quartier generale dell’Unrwa

Voci di Gaza – “A Rafah la gente è disperata, smonta le tende senza sapere dove andare. Fugge con i furgoncini o con i carretti degli asini”

Voci di Gaza – “A Rafah la gente è disperata, smonta le tende senza sapere dove andare. Fugge con i furgoncini o con i carretti degli asini”

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Gaza, l’esercito israeliano prende il controllo del valico di Rafah: le immagini in soggettiva diffuse dall’Idf

Gaza, l’esercito israeliano prende il controllo del valico di Rafah: le immagini in soggettiva diffuse dall’Idf

Gaza, esercito israeliano bombarda il quartiere orientale di Rafah poche ore dopo l’ordine di evacuazione

Gaza, esercito israeliano bombarda il quartiere orientale di Rafah poche ore dopo l’ordine di evacuazione

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Al Jazeera oscurata in Israele, il direttore dell’ufficio di Gerusalemme: “Il culmine di una campagna d’incitamento contro i nostri cronisti”

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Israele, decine di migliaia in piazza per chiedere un accordo sugli ostaggi: “Governo ponga fine alla guerra e ce li restituisca”

Voci di Gaza – “Ci spostiamo per sopravvivere, ma ogni volta è sempre più difficile”. L’appello di Oxfam: “Stop all’invio di armi a Israele”

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Proteste nelle università Usa, il presidente israeliano Herzog manda messaggio agli studenti ebrei: “Siamo con voi”

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Proteste pro-Gaza nei campus Usa, polizia fa irruzione all’Università di Los Angeles per smantellare il presidio: usate granate stordenti

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Università della California, manifestanti filo-israeliani assaltano a volto coperto l’accampamento degli studenti pro-Palestina

di Alberto Sofia

 | 10 MAGGIO 2024

L’Italia dovrà fare i conti con due denunce, una penale, l’altra civile, con l’accusa di “complicità con Israele in genocidio e crimini contro l’umanità” a Gaza. A presentarle nel corso di una conferenza stampa a Roma una rete di avvocati, sostenuti dal Centro di ricerca ed elaborazione per la democrazia (Cred), insieme ad Amnesty International Italia.

Un cittadino di Gaza fa causa al governo italiano: “Complice di Israele, fermi il supporto militare e ricominci a dare finanziamenti all’Unrwa”

Un cittadino di Gaza fa causa al governo italiano: “Complice di Israele, fermi il supporto militare e ricominci a dare finanziamenti all’Unrwa”


Italy will have to deal with two complaints, one criminal, the other civil, on charges of “complicity with Israel in genocide and crimes against humanity” in Gaza. They were presented during a press conference in Rome by a network of lawyers, supported by the Research and Processing Center for Democracy (Cred), together with Amnesty International Italia.

“We have presented a complaint to the Rome Prosecutor’s Office”, specifies Fabio Marcelli (Cred), with the aim of pushing Israel to implement the precautionary measures issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which deemed the genocidal nature of the actions “plausible”. army actions and ordered Tel Aviv to put an end to them by any means,” he claims. Yet, he explains, nothing has been done by the far-right government led by Benjamin Netanyahu, which instead aims to continue towards a total invasion of Gaza, towards Rafah, even in the midst of a diplomatic crisis with the United States, after the president Joe Biden threatened to suspend shipments of new weapons to his ally.

“We have presented a complaint to the Rome Prosecutor’s Office”, specifies Fabio Marcelli (Cred), with the aim of pushing Israel to implement the precautionary measures issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which deemed the genocidal nature of the actions “plausible”. army actions and ordered Tel Aviv to put an end to them by any means,” he claims. Yet, he explains, nothing has been done by the far-right government led by Benjamin Netanyahu, which instead aims to continue towards a total invasion of Gaza, towards Rafah, even in the midst of a diplomatic crisis with the United States, after the president Joe Biden threatened to suspend shipments of new weapons to his ally.

“We based our complaint against Italy on some evidence, including the sending of weapons. We are the third largest exporter after the United States and Germany. Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani states that this traffic ceased after 7 October but this has been denied by data released by some bodies, such as Istat”. But Italy is also accused of “suspension of donations to the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA)”.

The accusations of collaboration with the October 7 attacks made by Tel Aviv against members of the Agency were never confirmed, so much so that other countries such as Germany then reactivated the donations. Now, the head of state Sergio Mattarella has also invited UNRWA to be refinanced, among the possible openings of the Meloni executive ‘on specific projects’. “For now there is nothing concrete”, Marcelli cuts short at the moment.

Of course, the times are long compared to the lawsuits brought by the network of lawyers against Italy, but, they explain, it would already be “a success to be able to understand what left Italy from 7 October onwards towards Israel”, specifies the lawyer Gianluca Vitale. “They will say it’s impossible, but in the meantime let’s try to remove the water, the oxygen from those operations,” he insists. Also explaining in the conference the civil case brought against Italy on the initiative of a Palestinian lawyer. That is, Salahaldin Abdalaty, who lost seven family members due to Israeli bombing. “Israel is committing damage and contributing to that damage must be stopped by the civil judge,” is the appeal relaunched.

The first hearing in relation to the civil case will be on June 13: “Long waiting times are already a choice, we want to waste time”, they attack. While it is the Palestinian lawyer Abdalaty who calls for justice: “Israel systematically violates international law. This was possible thanks to the complicity of Western governments, including Italy.”

Source: Il Fatto Quotidiano

Dott. Alessio Brancaccio, tecnico ambientale Università degli Studi di L’Aquila, membro della Fondazione Michele Scarponi Onlus, ideologo e membro del movimento ambientalista Ultima Generazione A22 Network per contrastare il Riscaldamento Globale indotto artificialmente dalla Geoingegneria Solare SRM


La distruzione di impianti di approvvigionamento idrico e di depurazione avviene nonostante il dovere da parte di Israele di proteggere le infrastrutture critiche, come stabilito dalle leggi di guerra.

Israele ha deliberatamente distrutto centinaia di infrastrutture idriche della Striscia di Gaza contribuendo a compromettere la disponibilità di acqua per la popolazione palestinese. A rivelarlo un’analisi di BBC Verify, team di giornalismo investigativo dell’emittente britannica che ha esaminato foto satellitari scattate prima e dopo il 7 ottobre del 2023. La mancanza di acqua pulita e i flussi di liquami non trattati costituiscono – secondo le più autorevoli agenzie umanitarie – una seria minaccia per la salute di milioni di persone che vivono nell’enclave sotto assedio. La distruzione di impianti di approvvigionamento idrico e di depurazione avviene nonostante il dovere da parte di Israele di proteggere le infrastrutture critiche, come stabilito dalle leggi di guerra. Interpellate dalla BBC, le Forze di Difesa Israeliane hanno dichiarato che Hamas sfrutta cinicamente le infrastrutture civili per scopi terroristici.

Distrutte oltre 300 strutture per la distribuzione e la pulizia dell’acqua

Il danneggiamento delle infrastrutture idriche degli ultimi sette mesi avviene in un luogo, la Striscia di Gaza, in cui anche ben prima del 7 ottobre del 2023 la disponibilità di acqua pulita era limitata: l’enclave palestinese è infatti un territorio che deve fare affidamento su un complesso sistema di pozzi trivellati e impianti di desalinizzazione.

Ebbene, secondo l’analisi della BBC più della metà di queste strutture vitali (complessivamente 600) sono state danneggiate o distrutte da quando Israele ha lanciato la sua rappresaglia. “Abbiamo anche scoperto che quattro dei sei impianti di trattamento delle acque reflue – cruciali per prevenire l’accumulo di liquami e la diffusione di malattie – sono stati compromessi. Gli altri due hanno chiuso i battenti per mancanza di carburante o altri rifornimenti”.

Fonte: Fanpage Napoli, Italia

English translate


The destruction of water supply and sewage treatment facilities occurs despite Israel’s duty to protect critical infrastructure as established by the laws of war.

Israel has deliberately destroyed hundreds of water infrastructures in the Gaza Strip, contributing to compromising the availability of water for the Palestinian population. This was revealed by an analysis by BBC Verify, the British broadcaster’s investigative journalism team which examined satellite photos taken before and after 7 October 2023. The lack of clean water and flows of untreated sewage constitute – according to the most authoritative agencies humanitarian – a serious threat to the health of millions of people living in the besieged enclave. The destruction of water supply and sewage treatment facilities occurs despite Israel’s duty to protect critical infrastructure as established by the laws of war. Interviewed by the BBC, the Israel Defense Forces declared that Hamas cynically exploits civilian infrastructure for terrorist purposes.

Over 300 water distribution and cleaning structures destroyed

The damage to water infrastructure in the last seven months occurs in a place, the Gaza Strip, where even well before 7 October 2023 the availability of clean water was limited: the Palestinian enclave is in fact a territory that must rely on a complex system of drilled wells and desalination plants.

Well, according to BBC analysis, more than half of these vital facilities (600 in total) have been damaged or destroyed since Israel launched its retaliation. “We also found that four of the six wastewater treatment plants – crucial to preventing the buildup of sewage and the spread of disease – were compromised. The other two closed due to lack of fuel or other supplies.”

Source: Fanpage Naples, Italy

Dott. Alessio Brancaccio, tecnico ambientale Università degli Studi di L’Aquila, membro della Fondazione Michele Scarponi Onlus, ideologo e membro del movimento ambientalista Ultima Generazione A22 Network per contrastare il Riscaldamento Globale indotto artificialmente dalla Geoingegneria Solare SRM


Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) 

Dear Alessio Brancaccio,
Today, as the Olympic torch arrives in France, genocidal Israel is threatening to use “extreme force” against Palestinians in Rafah in the occupied Gaza Strip.

More than 1.2 million displaced Palestinians, forced to flee Israel’s relentless bombing and siege in other areas of Gaza, are sheltering in Rafah in dire conditions. The entire Palestinian population of 2.3 million is facing starvation and possible famine, according to UN agencies.

Today, groups across France are protesting the IOC’s refusal to ban apartheid Israel from the Paris games, even as it commits a genocide against 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza.

More than 10,000 torchbearers will carry the Olympic flame across France over the coming months. Let’s get a message to the torchbearers to help ensure Olympic values are upheld!

Urge torchbearers to join calls to stop Israel’s #GazaGenocide

#Paris2024 Olympic Torchbearers, as genocidal Israel threatens “extreme force” against Palestinians in Rafah, Gaza, help uphold #TrueOlympicValues.

Call for #CeasefireNow. Help stop Israel’s #GazaGenocide.

Here’s how:

This is a chance to reach Olympic torchbearers and have them amplify our calls, from banning Israel from the Olympics to a military embargo on Israel.  More than 300,000 people across the world are supporting the call from 300 Palestinian sports clubs calling to #BanIsrael from the Olympics and international sports.
 Israel’s Gaza genocide is also a sporticide, killing dozens of Palestinian sportspeople, including Palestinian Olympic football coach Hani Al Masdar, and destroying most sports facilities, including the Palestinian Olympic Committee offices. We can all be torchbearers for Palestinian rights. **For those in France, the Olympic torch relay is an occasion to peacefully disrupt the road to the Paris Games. There can be No Olympics As Usual as Israel continues its genocide and engineered famine in Gaza.  From May 8 until the opening ceremony on July 26, all along the torch route, make sure the calls to #BanIsrael and stop Israel’s #GazaGenocide are coming through loud and clear. Use the hashtag #TrueOlympicValues. **For everyone, share these tweets/posts on social media calling on the IOC to #BanIsrael and on torchbearers to join us in the struggle. We can’t sit back as the IOC shamefully allows Israel to use the Olympics to sportswash its genocide in Gaza and its decades-old settler-colonial apartheid regime against Palestinians everywhere.

In solidarity,
The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel

Dott. Alessio Brancaccio, tecnico ambientale Università degli Studi di L’Aquila, membro della Fondazione Michele Scarponi Onlus, ideologo e membro del movimento ambientalista Ultima Generazione A22 Network per contrastare il Riscaldamento Globale indotto artificialmente dalla Geoingegneria Solare SRM


Dear Alessio,

Yesterday, Hamas agreed to the most recent ceasefire proposal put forward by Qatari and Egyptian mediators. 

Israel responded by invading Rafah.

The objective is clear: Israel does not want a ceasefire. Israel wants to fully ethnically cleanse and seize Gaza, on U.S. taxpayers’ dime.

Despite Hamas’ agreement to the deal, Netanyahu and his war cabinet announced plans to move forward with the ground invasion, and ordered Palestinians to “evacuate” the city where it is currently carrying out a barrage of bombardments and shelling. 

Israel also seized control of the Rafah border crossing, preventing all humanitarian aid from entering, and trapping Palestinians who were desperately attempting to find safety in Egypt. 

For the over one million Palestinians, including 600,000 children, who have sought refuge in Rafah, there is nowhere to go.

Tell the Biden administration to stop sending weapons to Israel to kill thousands of Palestinians in Rafah.

Call 202-647-7207 to reach the State Department’s Under Secretary of Near East Affairs.

Speak from your heart, or follow our script here

President Biden has repeatedly defined Israel’s invasion of Rafah as a “red line.”

Last month, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that the Biden administration “cannot support a major military operation in Rafah,” and that a major military operation in Rafah would have “terrible consequences” for civilians. 

U.S. opposition to an Israeli ground invasion was reaffirmed yesterday by State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller: “we have made clear that we do not support Israel launching a full-scale military operation in Rafah.”

Call the State Department now to demand that President Biden follow through on his own “red line.” Tell him to stop bankrolling Israel’s ground invasion of Rafah: 202-647-7207

We know President Biden is feeling the heat. This week, the Biden administration paused two shipments of Boeing-made precision bombs to Israel. It was the first time that the U.S. has stopped a weapons shipment destined for the Israeli military since Oct. 7. This is unprecedented, and proves that our movement’s pressure is working.

But a pause is not enough. We need our government to permanently stop arming Israel, and secure a permanent ceasefire NOW. 

Contact the Biden administration now and tell them to stop supporting Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza: 202-647-7207

Since day one, Biden has had the power to end this genocide. Now 214 days into Israel’s attacks on Gaza, it is long past due for the Biden administration to take decisive action to secure a ceasefire and prevent a catastrophic Israeli ground invasion.

We have an opportunity to demonstrate the power of our movement by flooding the State Department with calls. The Biden administration has already claimed to oppose the invasion of Rafah. Let’s hold them to their word. Tell the State Department if they send weapons to Israel, they are facilitating an invasion of Rafah. Stop the weapons shipments. Demand a ceasefire.

Pick up the phone now: 202-647-7207
In solidarity,Alia El-Assar
Director of Media Organizing
Adalah Justice Project
P.S. After you call, send an email to top Biden administration officials to make sure they get the message.

Our mailing address is:
Adalah Justice ProjectP.O. Box 541 Glen Carbon, Illinois 62034, USA

The realities on the ground in Rafah

Mail from Simon Tyler, Doctors of the World

Dear Alessio,

I am sure that over the weekend you will have seen the news coverage of the current situation in Gaza. We had hope yesterday for a ceasefire but are now gravely concerned about both the people of Gaza and our medical teams who continue to deliver care in Rafah and now face the threat of a full-scale military invasion.

Furthermore, no aid entered Gaza through the Rafah crossing on May 5th and no aid entered Gaza through either Rafah or Kerem Shalom/Karam Abu Salem crossings on May 6th, 2024.

We have worked with our humanitarian colleagues operating in Gaza to produce a full briefing on the current situation if you would like to read more on the current context.

We continue to call for a ceasefire. From our work in Rafah, we know that the conditions are already unimaginably difficult. It is not possible to safely evacuate the thousands of displaced families who are now living there. The areas around Rafah cannot host additional people. There is very little infrastructure left combined with a significant risk from unexploded ordnance.

Rafah has become a central point not only for our medical teams, but for humanitarian operations in Gaza more widely. Much of the humanitarian capacity is based here – supplies, warehouses and premises – all are now at risk. Most of the aid coming into Gaza comes through Rafah, but due to a Hamas attack on May 5th, these crossings are now closed. This means that the main lifelines for the people of Gaza are also now closed and the long line of aid trucks on the Egyptian side of the border simply continue to grow.

We will continue to deliver medical support in Gaza, but we need conditions where our doctors and nurses can work that do not put their lives in even greater danger.

We reiterate that only an immediate, sustained ceasefire, the release of all hostages, full adherence to International Humanitarian Law and the opening of all possible entry points to Gaza for both humanitarian and commercial supplies will allow basic human needs to be met and for further suffering to be averted.

Thank you for standing with us, Alessio, as we continue to deliver medical care for the people of Gaza in increasingly difficult circumstances.

With my best wishes,

Simon Tyler
Humanitarian Field Expert, UK Director

We need your help

We work tirelessly to provide medical care and support to people in vulnerable conditions, through our clinic, outreach work and Helpline. Please help us keep our services open for everyone who needs them today and tomorrow.

UPDATED ACTION:  May 7, 2024

Tell your Members of Congress to condemn Israel’s Rafah assault and invasion, urge Biden to facilitate an immediate and lasting ceasefire, and end military assistance to Israel.

We need a #CeasefireNOW!

Since October, over 40,000 people, including more than 14,000 children, have been brutally killed by Israel.¹  We need an immediate and permanent ceasefire and an end to the restrictions on vital aid to people in Gaza.

Our eyes are fixed on Gaza as the Israeli military has now launched an offensive on Rafah, where nearly 1.5 million Palestinians are sheltering, ordering 100,000 residents in its eastern areas to evacuate, and seizing the Rafah border crossing shutting down humanitarian aid coming into Gaza.

The people of Gaza urgently need a permanent ceasefire. 

Tell Congress: We demand a permanent ceasefire now!


1. Euro-Med MonitorEuro-Med Monitor, March 14, 2024.


Source: Mpower Action

Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister and Arafat OLP Al-Fatah Leader of Palestine Freedom shake their hands in front of Democratic US President Bill Clinton in Camp David, September 13th 1993
Shimon Peres Israeli President and Yasser Arafat OLP President of Palestine with the word “Peace”
Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Defense Minister in 1993 and Leader of the Zionist Party Likud

Dott. Alessio Brancaccio, tecnico ambientale Università degli Studi di L’Aquila, membro della Fondazione Michele Scarponi Onlus, ideologo e membro del movimento ambientalista Ultima Generazione A22 Network per contrastare il Riscaldamento Globale indotto artificialmente dalla Geoingegneria Solare SRM


E ordina la chiusura degli uffici dopo il bando alla tv

In applicazione alla decisione del governo presa all’unanimità sullo stop ad Al Jazeera in Israele, il ministro delle Comunicazioni israeliano Shlomo Karhi ha ordinato “la chiusura degli uffici, la confisca delle attrezzature del canale, compresi possibilmente i cellulari e il blocco dell’accesso al website della tv”.

Lo ha fatto sapere lo steso ministro aggiungendo che “gli ordini sono stati emessi ora”.

Fonte: ANSA

English translate


And he orders the closure of the offices after the TV ban

In application of the government’s unanimous decision to stop Al Jazeera in Israel, Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi ordered “the closure of the offices, the confiscation of the channel’s equipment, possibly including cell phones and the blocking of access to the TV website”.

The minister himself made this known, adding that “the orders have been issued now”.

Source: ANSA

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Zionist Dictator Israel Prime Minister
A funeral of a Israel soldier of Israeli Defence Force (IDF) in Tel Aviv, Israel
The funeral of Al Jazeera journalist Hamza Al-Dadouh, the 20 years old first son of Wael Al-Dadouh, the heroic Al Jazeera expert journalist with all his family death in Gaza in October 2023.


Annunciata da domenica sera la prima Acampada in piazza, 10 giorni di mobilitazione verso il 15 Maggio, giorno in cui si ricorda la Nakba. Bernini, il 13 Maggio comitato sulla sicurezza con i rettori.

Redazione Ansa BOLOGNA – Maggio 04, 2024 – News

“Per i bambini di Gaza. Per gli studenti di Birzeit”, prima università della Palestina. Dai Campus delle università americane a quelle arabe, europee, anche negli atenei italiani si leva un grido sempre più forte per dire basta “all’oppressione e al genocidio del popolo palestinese”.  Da Bologna il movimento dei Giovani palestinesi si prepara a lanciare “l’Intifada studentesca” con la prima vera “acampada”, le tende di protesta che da domenica sera saranno montate nella piazza della zona universitaria in vista di una mobilitazione ancora più grande per il 15 di maggio, nel giorno del ricordo della Nakba.

Il 13 Maggio invece ci sarà il Comitato per l’ordine e la sicurezza con Bernini, Piantedosi e i rettori proprio sulla situazione negli atenei. “Con la presidente della Crui Giovanna Iannantuoni faremo in modo di capire com’è la situazione nel rapporto con gli studenti nelle università -spiega Bernini- C’è la protesta e c’è anche una frangia molto piccola che va oltre certi limiti, la cosa che mi preoccupa è quando la protesta diventa gruppi che fanno azioni distruttive e reati, sfondano porte, attaccano e forze dell’ordine”.
    “La nostra acampada di domenica – fanno sapere all’ANSA i Giovani palestinesi di Bologna – si inserisce in questo grande quadro di mobilitazione internazionale per far capire che c’è una parte consistente anche del nostro Paese, studentesse, studenti ma non solo, anche docenti e associazioni, persone insomma che hanno come priorità la fine dell’aggressione militare su Gaza, il cessate il fuoco permanente e la fine dell’oppressione a Gaza e nei territori occupati”. “Vogliamo dire che il nostro mondo sta voltando le spalle da 75 anni al diritto del popolo palestinese. Questo è il momento di essere in piazza, vogliamo farlo, coi nostri corpi, le nostre riflessioni, per chiedere che anche le istituzioni lavorino attivamente per la fine del massacro dalla popolazione a Gaza”.

Il ritrovo sarà domenica nel tardo pomeriggio in piazza Scaravilli, cuore della zona universitaria di Bologna, di fronte al Rettorato, dove sarà montato intanto un telo per la proiezione dell’assemblea transnazionale del movimento. Un incontro ibrido, in presenza e da remoto, con collegamenti di studenti da tutta Italia, dalle università americane in questo momento sotto i riflettori e da Birzeit, Palestina. “L’obiettivo è il dialogo, il confronto, raccogliere le testimonianze”.
Contemporaneamente si cominceranno a piantare le prime tende e si trascorrerà la prima notte in piazza.
“Non sappiamo quanti saremo siamo fiduciosi, speriamo di coinvolgere tanti anche nei prossimi giorni. Del resto frequentiamo università in cui ci parlano di diritti umani e in questo noi crediamo profondamente. Crediamo che la nostra attività sia coerente con quello che ci viene insegnato”. Le prossime iniziative saranno discusse e annunciate di volta in volta. Così come in altri atenei italiani sono previsti appuntamenti, incontri, assemblee. Domenica i Giovani palestinesi di Milano terranno un incontro aperto su Zoom, e ci sarà un momento di raccordo con la piazza di Bologna. Venerdì 10 maggio alla Sapienza di Roma (Facoltà di Scienze matematiche fisiche e naturali) è prevista un’assemblea in cui si parlerà anche di boicottaggio di Israele.
Il coordinamento è nazionale in vista della data simbolica del 15 maggio. È il giorno in cui si ricorda Nakba, la “catastrofe”, ovvero l’esodo forzato di circa 700mila arabi palestinesi dai territori occupati da Israele nella prima guerra arabo-israeliana del 1948. “La nostra mobilitazione è verso quella data – dicono da Bologna – Saremo un po’ i primi domenica, e sarà importante mandare un messaggio di fiducia e di ottimismo ai gruppi in tutta Italia”.

Fonte: ANSA

English translate


The first Acampada in the square was announced on Sunday evening, 10 days of mobilization towards May 15th, the day on which the Nakba is remembered. Bernini, 13 May safety committee with the rectors.

Ansa BOLOGNA editorial team – May 04, 2024 – News

“For the children of Gaza. For the students of Birzeit”, Palestine’s first university. From the campuses of American universities to Arab and European ones, even in Italian universities, an increasingly loud cry is being raised to say enough to “the oppression and genocide of the Palestinian people”. From Bologna the Palestinian Youth movement is preparing to launch the “student intifada” with the first real “acampada”, the protest tents that from Sunday evening will be set up in the square of the university area in view of an even greater mobilization for the May 15th, the day of remembrance of the Nakba.

On May 13th there will be the Committee for order and security with Bernini, Piantedosi and the rectors on the situation in the universities. “With the president of the Crui Giovanna Iannantuoni we will try to understand what the situation is like in the relationship with students in universities – explains Bernini – There is protest and there is also a very small fringe that goes beyond certain limits, the what worries me is when the protest becomes groups that carry out destructive actions and crimes, break down doors, attack the police”.
“Our Sunday camp – the Young Palestinians of Bologna inform ANSA – is part of this great framework of international mobilization to make it clear that there is also a significant part of our country, students, students but not only that, also teachers and associations, in short, people who have as their priority the end of the military aggression on Gaza, the permanent ceasefire and the end of oppression in Gaza and the occupied territories”. “We want to say that our world has been turning its back on the right of the Palestinian people for 75 years. This is the moment to be in the streets, we want to do it, with our bodies, our reflections, to ask that the institutions also work actively for end to the massacre by the population in Gaza”.

The meeting will be late Sunday afternoon in Piazza Scaravilli, the heart of the university area of ​​Bologna, in front of the Rectorate, where in the meantime a tarpaulin will be set up for the projection of the transnational assembly of the movement. A hybrid meeting, in person and remotely, with connections of students from all over Italy, from American universities currently in the spotlight and from Birzeit, Palestine. “The objective is dialogue, discussion, collecting testimonies”.
At the same time, the first tents will begin to be pitched and the first night will be spent in the square.
“We don’t know how many there will be, we are confident, we hope to involve many in the next few days too. After all, we attend universities where they talk to us about human rights and we believe in this deeply. We believe that our activity is consistent with what we are taught”. Upcoming initiatives will be discussed and announced from time to time. Just as in other Italian universities, appointments, meetings and assemblies are planned. On Sunday the Young Palestinians of Milan will hold an open meeting on Zoom, and there will be a moment of connection with the Bologna square. An assembly is scheduled for Friday 10 May at the Sapienza University of Rome (Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences) in which the boycott of Israel will also be discussed.
The coordination is national in view of the symbolic date of May 15th. It is the day on which Nakba is remembered, the “catastrophe”, or the forced exodus of around 700 thousand Palestinian Arabs from the territories occupied by Israel in the first Arab-Israeli war of 1948. “Our mobilization is towards that date – they say from Bologna – We will be somewhat of the first on Sunday, and it will be important to send a message of confidence and optimism to the groups throughout Italy.”

Source: ANSA

Dott. Alessio Brancaccio, tecnico ambientale Università degli Studi di L’Aquila, membro della Fondazione Michele Scarponi Onlus, ideologo e membro del movimento ambientalista Ultima Generazione A22 Network per contrastare il Riscaldamento Globale indotto artificialmente dalla Geoingegneria Solare SRM


Adriana Zega è una delle nostre operatrici umanitarie, che ha lavorato tanti anni a Gaza, da lei descritta come un luogo pieno di vita e bellezza: un luogo che oggi non esiste più, dove dopo sei mesi di conflitto, centinaia di donne uomini e bambini inermi vengono uccisi ogni giorno. 


“Ogni singolo collega, amico e conoscente con cui ogni giorno sono in contatto è – ogni istante, ogni minuto che passa – un sopravvissuto.”

Adriana Zega

Gaza: In mezzo alle sfide quotidiane per la sopravvivenza e all’orrore della guerra, emerge la testimonianza coraggiosa di Adriana Zega, operatrice umanitaria di Oxfam. Nella Striscia, ormai segnata da sei mesi di conflitto, i civili continuano a essere uccisi dai bombardamenti isrealiani, oltre che a causa della mancanza di cibo e di acqua pulita. Anche la vita degli operatori umanitari è ogni momento a rischio, sono 243 gli operatori che sono stati uccisi dall’esercito israeliano mentre portavano assistenza alla popolazione civile. In questa realtà di perdita ma anche di incredibile resilienza, vogliamo condividere le parole di Adriana con la speranza di un futuro migliore per Gaza e per coloro che vi abitano.


Ciao, mi chiamo Adriana, sono un’operatrice umanitaria da più di dieci anni e faccio parte del team umanitario globale di Oxfam. Mi occupo della protezione delle persone per supportare chi è più a rischio per la propria vita in situazioni di emergenza e tutelare i loro diritti.

Da novembre 2023, lavoro per la risposta umanitaria di Gaza e ogni giorno sono in contatto con i colleghi palestinesi di Oxfam a Gaza.


Conosco bene la Striscia di Gaza perché ci ho lavorato per quattro anni tra il 2009 e il 2015. O forse farei meglio a dire “conoscevo” la Striscia di Gaza. Intere città, quartieri e campi rifugiati sono stati distrutti dall’esercito israeliano. Ospedali, università, siti storici (antiche moschee e chiese) e archeologici distrutti.

Purtroppo, la Gaza piena di bellezza e vita che ho avuto la fortuna di conoscere non esiste più.

Vista di Gaza City dal porto 2012 Copyright Adriana Zega


La tragedia umana che i palestinesi della Striscia stanno vivendo da oltre sei mesi è immensa. È la quinta offensiva militare israeliana in 16 anni di blocco imposto sulla Striscia di Gaza ed è la più brutale, con oltre 33 mila persone uccise, il 70 per cento dei quali sono civili tra cui almeno 10 mila donne e 14 mila bambini.

Gli attacchi aerei israeliani hanno distrutto la Città di Al Zahra. Le torri residenziali nella Striscia di Gaza sono state ridotte in macerie durante un attacco aereo israeliano, con almeno venticinque torri residenziali prese di mira. Foto: Alef Multimedia Company/ Oxfam.


Ogni singolo collega, amico e conoscente con cui ogni giorno sono in contatto è – ogni istante, minuto che passa – un sopravvissuto. Non so se il giorno dopo ci sarà ancora, se avremo la prossima riunione già fissata in agenda. Sono tutti sfollati e hanno tutti perso amici o familiari senza aver avuto il tempo di elaborare il lutto.

Le persone si confrontano con la paura di morire non solo a causa dei bombardamenti che continuano incessanti via cielo, terra e mare, sapendo di non avere nessun luogo sicuro dove rifugiarsi o scappare. Adesso a Gaza le persone stanno soffrendo la fame. Si rischia di morire per assenza di cibo sufficiente e acqua pulita, oltre che per la totale mancanza di condizioni igieniche e cure mediche.

Non mi capacito di come sia possibile che nel 2024, delle persone possano morire di fame a causa dell’uomo. Almeno 27 bambini sono morti di fame. Eppure, è così. Israele oltre a usare la forza militare in maniera sproporzionata contro i civili, sta usando la fame come arma di guerra. Siamo di fronte al rischio di genocidio.

Gaza è la missione umanitaria più difficile in cui io abbia mai lavorato

Gaza Novembre 2022, Adriana Zega fa visita all’associazione Wefaq a Rafah
Copyright: Associazione Wefaq

Ho lavorato in tanti contesti difficili, a confronto con l’enorme sofferenza umana delle persone causata da conflitti armati e catastrofi naturali. Posso dire che quella di Gaza è la missione umanitaria più difficile in cui io abbia mai lavorato.

Oltre al confronto con la sofferenza immensa e l’annichilimento dell’essere umano, si aggiunge l’enorme frustrazione per la mancanza di giustizia di fronte a gravissime violazioni del diritto internazionale umanitario.

L’operato degli attori umanitari deve essere garantito durante le ostilità, al contrario il lavoro delle organizzazioni umanitarie viene ostacolato dalle autorità israeliane.

Abbiamo continuato ad assistere alle restrizioni imposte da Israele all’accesso degli aiuti umanitari attraverso i valichi di Rafah e Kerem Shalom, restrizioni all’accesso fisico al Nord della Striscia dove oltre 300 mila persone sono tagliate fuori dagli aiuti, e ad attacchi ripetuti dell’esercito israeliano contro operatori umanitari palestinesi e internazionali, personale medico, ospedali e ambulanze, giornalisti.


Eppure, ogni giorno rispondiamo sul campo per portare aiuti alle persone dove abbiamo accesso. Sono i colleghi di Oxfam e delle organizzazioni partner a Gaza i primi a rispondere e a lavorare ogni giorno, nonostante siano sfollati e abbiamo subito la perdita di persone care, dandoci la motivazione per trovare soluzioni e costruire ogni giorno la risposta nonostante le difficoltà.

Dobbiamo continuare a fare tutto ciò che è possibile: dal supporto materiale per le donne e le ragazze con abiti e kit igienici, agli aiuti per le persone sfollate nelle tendopoli o ammassate nei centri comunitari gestiti dai partner, all’identificazione dei minori non accompagnati (si stima siano più di 17.000 i bambini rimasti orfani), le distribuzioni del cibo che riusciamo a fare entrare, l’installazione di desalinizzatori per l’acqua potabile.

È necessario fare molto di più e garantire l’intervento in sicurezza delle organizzazioni umanitarie. Per questo bisogna fare pressione per ottenere un cessate il fuoco immediato e che venga garantito l’ingresso degli aiuti umanitari necessari per dare una risposta adeguata.



Da ottobre, in seguito all’attacco di Hamas, assistiamo con sgomento agli attacchi indiscriminati e alle atrocità inflitte alla popolazione civile di Gaza commessa da Israele e dalla sua Israeli Defence Force. In questa drammatica cornice il lavoro dei nostri colleghi e colleghe sul campo si fa sempre più complesso. Ben 243 operatori umanitari hanno perso la vita a Gaza, mentre cercavano disperatamente di portare aiuti vitali all’interno della Striscia.*

Sono trascorsi più di sei mesi e stiamo ancora contando [i giorni] senza avere idea di quando finirà

Anche Jomana, operatrice umanitaria di Oxfam attiva a Gaza, si trova ogni giorno a lottare per la sopravvivenza mentre si impegna a lavorare senza sosta per aiutare la sua famiglia e la sua comunità. Nonostante le difficoltà e il pericolo costante, Jomana conserva nel cuore sogni di pace e di un ritorno a una vita più tranquilla e serena.

Se le bombe uccidono, lo fa anche la fame

Qui al nord soffriamo la fame: siamo costretti a sopravvivere sotto pesanti bombardamenti senza cibo, acqua pulita e con il rischio costante di contrarre malattie

ci racconta Jomana.

Circa 1,4 milioni di palestinesi hanno cercato rifugio a Rafah, dopo essere stati sfollati molte volte. Le condizioni di vita nei campi per sfollati sono drammatiche. Foto: Alef Multimedia/Oxfam

Tutta la popolazione di Gaza si trova ad affrontare livelli critici di insicurezza alimentare, un tragico scenario che purtroppo si tradurrà presto in un aumento significativo di morti.

Lo denuncia un nuovo report sullo stato dell’insicurezza alimentare nella Striscia, promosso da un network di 19 agenzie e istituzioni intergovernative di cui Oxfam fa parte.*

Dallo scorso gennaio 300mila persone intrappolate nel nord di Gaza sono costrette a sopravvivere con meno di 245 calorie al giorno a testa: l’equivalente di 100 grammi di pane. Un ammontare inferiore al 12% del fabbisogno calorico necessario per la sopravvivenza.

Israele ha deliberatamente e sistematicamente negato cibo e acqua mettendo gran parte della popolazione a rischio imminente di carestia. Questo costituisce una punizione collettiva e va contro il diritto internazionale.


Jomana aspira a riconquistare la sua vita, la speranza e il suo futuro, non diversamente da qualsiasi altra giovane della sua età.

A vent’anni, come qualsiasi ragazza della mia generazione, ho molti sogni e obiettivi da realizzare. Ma per ora, il mio più grande desiderio è semplicemente vivere in pace con la mia famiglia nella vecchia Gaza. In questo momento, non riesco a pensare al mio futuro; la mia unica preoccupazione è tornare alla vita semplice che conoscevo prima.

Una generazione di bambini, ragazzi e ragazze sta vivendo un livello di violenza e atrocità senza precedenti, rischiando di essere cancellata per sempre.

Più del 70% delle vittime a Gaza sono donne e bambini. Foto: Alef Multimedia/Oxfam


Come Jomana, decine di colleghe e colleghi stanno rischiando la vita per portare aiuto e proteggere i civili a Gaza.

Il nostro lavoro a fianco della popolazione palestinese prosegue senza sosta, ma solo un cessate il fuoco duraturo potrà garantire l’ingresso di aiuti vitali alla loro sopravvivenza.

È una nostra responsabilità collettiva fermare questa tragedia: bambini, donne, uomini inermi non possono più aspettare. Unisciti a migliaia di persone per chiedere il cessate il fuoco nella Striscia di Gaza e in Israele.

Firma e condividi la petizione per chiedere la protezione dei civili ORA

English translate


Adriana Zega is one of our humanitarian workers, who has worked for many years in Gaza, which she described as a place full of life and beauty: a place that no longer exists today, where after six months of conflict, hundreds of women, men and children helpless people are killed every day.


“Every single colleague, friend and acquaintance I come into contact with every day is – every moment, every minute that passes – a survivor.”

Adriana Zega

Gaza: In the midst of the daily challenges of survival and the horror of war, the courageous testimony of Adriana Zega, Oxfam humanitarian worker, emerges. In the Strip, now marked by six months of conflict, civilians continue to be killed by Israeli bombing, as well as due to the lack of food and clean water. Even the lives of humanitarian workers are at risk at every moment; 243 workers have been killed by the Israeli army while providing assistance to the civilian population. In this reality of loss but also of incredible resilience, we want to share Adriana’s words with the hope of a better future for Gaza and those who live there.


Hi, my name is Adriana, I have been a humanitarian worker for more than ten years and I am part of Oxfam’s global humanitarian team. I deal with the protection of people to support those who are most at risk for their lives in emergency situations and protect their rights.

Since November 2023, I have been working for the Gaza humanitarian response and am in contact with Oxfam’s Palestinian colleagues in Gaza every day.


I know the Gaza Strip well because I worked there for four years between 2009 and 2015. Or perhaps I would be better off saying “I knew” the Gaza Strip. Entire cities, neighborhoods and refugee camps have been destroyed by the Israeli army. Hospitals, universities, historical (ancient mosques and churches) and archaeological sites destroyed.

Unfortunately, the Gaza full of beauty and life that I was lucky enough to know no longer exists.

View of Gaza City from harbour in 2012


The human tragedy that the Palestinians of the Strip have been experiencing for over six months is immense. It is the fifth Israeli military offensive in 16 years of blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip and is the most brutal, with over 33 thousand people killed, 70 percent of whom are civilians including at least 10 thousand women and 14 thousand children.

Israeli airstrikes destroyed Al Zahra City. Residential towers in the Gaza Strip were reduced to rubble during an Israeli airstrike, with at least twenty-five residential towers targeted. Photo: Alef Multimedia Company/ Oxfam.


Every single colleague, friend and acquaintance I come into contact with every day is – every moment, minute that passes – a survivor. I don’t know if he will still be there the next day, if we will have the next meeting already scheduled on the agenda. They are all displaced and have all lost friends or family without having had time to grieve.

People are faced with the fear of dying not only because of the bombings that continue incessantly via air, land and sea, knowing that they have nowhere safe to take refuge or escape. Now people in Gaza are going hungry. You risk dying due to the lack of sufficient food and clean water, as well as the total lack of hygienic conditions and medical care.

I don’t understand how it is possible that in 2024, people can die of hunger because of man. At least 27 children died of starvation. Yet, it is so. Israel, in addition to using military force disproportionately against civilians, is using hunger as a weapon of war. We are facing the risk of genocide.

Gaza is the most difficult humanitarian mission I have ever worked on

Gaza November 2022, Adriana Zega visits the Wefaq association in Rafah
Copyright: Wefaq Association

I have worked in many difficult contexts, faced with the enormous human suffering of people caused by armed conflicts and natural disasters. I can say that Gaza is the most difficult humanitarian mission I have ever worked on.

In addition to the comparison with the immense suffering and annihilation of human beings, there is also the enormous frustration at the lack of justice in the face of very serious violations of international humanitarian law.

The work of humanitarian actors must be guaranteed during hostilities, on the contrary the work of humanitarian organizations is hindered by the Israeli authorities.

We continued to witness the restrictions imposed by Israel on the access of humanitarian aid through the Rafah and Kerem Shalom crossings, restrictions on physical access to the northern Strip where over 300,000 people are cut off from aid, and repeated attacks by Israeli army against Palestinian and international humanitarian workers, medical personnel, hospitals and ambulances, journalists.


Yet, every day we respond on the ground to bring aid to people where we have access. Colleagues from Oxfam and partner organizations in Gaza are the first to respond and work every day, despite being displaced and having suffered the loss of loved ones, giving us the motivation to find solutions and build the response every day despite the difficulties.

We must continue to do everything we can: from material support for women and girls with clothing and hygiene kits, to aid for people displaced in tent cities or crowded into community centers run by partners, to identifying unaccompanied minors ( it is estimated that more than 17,000 children have been orphaned), the food distributions that we manage to get in, the installation of desalination plants for drinking water.

It is necessary to do much more and guarantee the safe intervention of humanitarian organizations. For this reason, pressure must be applied to obtain an immediate ceasefire and to guarantee the entry of the humanitarian aid necessary to provide an adequate response.



Since October, following the Hamas attack, we have witnessed with dismay the indiscriminate attacks and atrocities inflicted on the civilian population of Gaza committed by Israel and its Israeli Defense Force. In this dramatic setting, the work of our colleagues in the field is becoming increasingly complex. As many as 243 humanitarian workers have lost their lives in Gaza, while desperately trying to bring vital aid into the Strip.*

More than six months have passed and we are still counting [the days] with no idea when it will end

Even Jomana, an Oxfam aid worker active in Gaza, finds herself fighting for survival every day as she works tirelessly to help her family and community. Despite the difficulties and danger they persist.

If bombs kill, so does hunger

Here in the north we suffer from hunger: we are forced to survive under heavy bombing without food, clean water and with the constant risk of contracting diseases

Jomana tells us.

Around 1.4 million Palestinians have sought refuge in Rafah, having been displaced many times. The living conditions in the camps for displaced people are dramatic. Photo: Alef Multimedia/Oxfam

The entire population of Gaza is facing critical levels of food insecurity, a tragic scenario that will unfortunately soon result in a significant increase in deaths.

This is reported by a new report on the state of food insecurity in the Strip, promoted by a network of 19 intergovernmental agencies and institutions of which Oxfam is part.*

Since last January, 300,000 people trapped in northern Gaza have been forced to survive on less than 245 calories per day each: the equivalent of 100 grams of bread. An amount less than 12% of the calorie needs necessary for survival.

Israel has deliberately and systematically denied food and water, putting much of the population at imminent risk of famine. This constitutes collective punishment and is against international law.


Jomana aspires to regain her life, hope and future, no different than any other young person her age.

At twenty, like any girl of my generation, I have many dreams and goals to achieve. But for now, my greatest wish is simply to live in peace with my family in old Gaza. Right now, I can’t think about my future; my only concern is to return to the simple life I knew before.

A generation of children, boys and girls is experiencing an unprecedented level of violence and atrocities, risking being erased forever.

More than 70% of the victims in Gaza are women and children. Photo: Alef Multimedia/Oxfam


Like Jomana, dozens of colleagues are risking their lives to help and protect civilians in Gaza.

Our work alongside the Palestinian population continues unabated, but only a lasting ceasefire will be able to guarantee the entry of aid vital to their survival.

It is our collective responsibility to stop this tragedy: helpless children, women, men can no longer wait. Join thousands of people in calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and Israel.

Sign and share the petition calling for the protection of civilians NOW.

Dott. Alessio Brancaccio, tecnico ambientale Università degli Studi di L’Aquila, membro della Fondazione Michele Scarponi Onlus, ideologo e membro del movimento ambientalista Ultima Generazione A22 Network per contrastare il Riscaldamento Globale indotto artificialmente dalla Geoingegneria Solare SRM


Ciao Alessio

mi chiamo Roberto Scaini, sono un medico e ti scrivo da Gaza. Che la situazione sia disperata immagino tu lo sappia già, te l’hanno raccontato su tutti i media. MSF è qui a Gaza dal 1988, ma solo ora stiamo assistendo a casi di malnutrizione infantile.

Qualche giorno fa, proprio fuori la nostra clinica, ho notato un bambino in braccio alla mamma. Si chiamava Mohammed e andava visitato subito: era malnutrito. Il cibo terapeutico, il pumplynut, si dà a partire dai 6 mesi di vita, ma lui ne ha 4 e pesa solo 3 chili e mezzo. Mi sono lavato le mani e gli ho dato il mignolo per vedere se succhiava. Succhiava, eccome! Strillava perché aveva fame.

Ho detto alla mamma di allattarlo e, affidandola all’ostetrica, sono tornato dopo 20 minuti. Era calmo, l’ho visitato e stava meglio. Ho spiegato alla mamma che deve provare ad allattare di più, mi ha detto che lo farà, ma durante il giorno deve andare a cercare il cibo per gli altri figli. Ho provato a infonderle un po’ di speranza e a farle capire che la aiuteremo, mentre fuori si sentivano i colpi delle mitragliatrici.

Qui è in atto una catastrofe umanitaria. Stiamo facendo il possibile per la popolazione, ma ci riusciamo solo se persone come te decidono di sostenerci.

per quello che potrai fare oggi.

Roberto Scaini
Responsabile Medico dei progetti MSF a Gaza

7€ al mese bastano? 

Sì per fornire cure, cibo terapeutico e medicazioni a Gaza e ovunque serva. Sono meno di 0,24€ al giorno, ma in questa crisi umanitaria fanno la differenza. Scopri come usiamo la tua donazione:

Fornisci 600 litri di acqua alle famiglie sfollate a Rafah.
Doni a 828 bambini malnutriti una dose di cibo terapeutico.
Decidi tu l’importo. Salva una vita a Gaza e in altre guerre.

Grazie Alessio a nome di ogni persona che ci permetti di curare oggi.

Fonte: Medici Senza Frontiere

English translate


Hello Alessio

my name is Roberto Scaini, I am a doctor and I am writing to you from Gaza. I imagine you already know that the situation is desperate, they told you about it in all the media. MSF has been here in Gaza since 1988, but we are only now seeing cases of child malnutrition.

A few days ago, right outside our clinic, I noticed a baby in his mother’s arms. His name was Mohammed and he needed to be seen immediately: he was malnourished. The therapeutic food, pumplynut, is given starting from 6 months of life, but he is 4 and weighs only 3 and a half kilos. I washed my hands and gave him my little finger to see if he would suck. He sucked, of course! He was screaming because he was hungry.

I told the mother to breastfeed him and, handing her over to the midwife, I returned after 20 minutes. He was calm, I examined him and he was better. I explained to the mother that she needs to try to breastfeed more, she told me she will, but during the day she has to go look for food for her other children. I tried to give her a little hope and make her understand that we will help her, while machine gun fire could be heard outside.

There is a humanitarian catastrophe taking place here. We are doing everything we can for the population, but we only succeed if people like you decide to support us.

Thank you for what you can do today.

Source: Doctors Without Borders

Dott. Alessio Brancaccio, tecnico ambientale Università degli Studi di L’Aquila, membro della Fondazione Michele Scarponi Onlus, ideologo e membro del movimento ambientalista Ultima Generazione A22 Network per contrastare il Riscaldamento Globale indotto artificialmente dalla Geoingegneria Solare SRM



Starlink attivati in Ucraina: Elon Musk garantisce la connessione in guerra

Per aiutare l’Ucraina nella guerra contro la Russia, Elon Musk ha inviato i terminali Starlink della SpaceX per permettere una connessione alla rete Internet grazie alla tecnologia satellitare

SpaceX ha inviato un furgone carico di terminali Starlink verso l’Ucraina: questo è quello che ci dice un’immagine twittata dal vice primo ministro della Nazione sotto assedio. Il vice primo ministro aveva fatto appello ad Elon Musk e alla sua tecnologia in un post pubblicato su Twitter dove ha chiesto aiuto e assistenza durante l’invasione russa.

In risposta, Musk ha assicurato che il servizio Internet via satellite era stato attivato per l’Ucraina e che un numero sempre maggiore di terminali stava arrivando nel Paese. Il giorno dopo sembra che la missione sia andata a buon fine, mentre Musk risponde alla richiesta via tweet di Mykhailo Fedorov con un “You are most welcome!”

Mentre i combattimenti in Ucraina si intensificano, la popolazione sta iniziando a chiedersi quando questa situazione finirà e, soprattutto, a quali condizioni. Ci sono state diverse segnalazioni di un eventuale cyberattacco alle infrastrutture di Internet: in uno scenario del genere sarebbe ancora più difficile documentare l’accaduto, far uscire notizie dal Paese e, per le persone coinvolte, contattare i propri cari.

Ora che i terminali sono arrivati in Ucraina, non è chiaro come verranno utilizzati o distribuiti. Le antenne hanno bisogno di un accesso senza ostacoli al cielo, che può risultare difficile in una zona di guerra. Ultimo tassello, non si conoscono le posizioni precise dei gateway di SpaceX, anche se gli addetti ai lavori ne hanno dichiarato la presenza nella vicina Polonia.

Come funziona Starlink, l’Internet via satellite di Elon Musk

Per entrare nel sistema Starlink, gli utenti devono avere un terminale utente, ossia una piccola antenna bianca piatta che SpaceX manda direttamente agli utenti. Con una visione chiara del cielo, le antenne possono inviare e ricevere segnali da qualsiasi satellite Starlink attivo che si trova nel cielo. Sono questi terminali che sono stati spediti in Ucraina, anche se non è ancora chiara la quantità stimata.

Gran parte dell’infrastruttura che alimenta Internet via satellite esiste nello spazio, anche se ci sono ancora moltissime apparecchiature sulla Terra. Per fornire l’accesso ad Internet, i satelliti devono essere in grado di comunicare con i gateways, ossia con stazioni fisse sulla Terra collegate a cavi in fibra ottica già esistenti.

I numeri e le problematiche di Starlink

Starlink è l’ambiziosa iniziativa di SpaceX per creare un Internet dallo spazio e che ha lo scopo di lanciare decine di migliaia di satelliti nell’orbita bassa terrestre per fornire una copertura Internet a banda larga sul suolo sottostante. Fino a questo momento l’azienda ha in orbita quasi 2000 satelliti attivi.

Durante un evento live streaming tenutosi a gennaio, SpaceX ha dichiarato di avere 145000 utenti attivi, mentre a febbraio Musk ha fatto sapere in un tweet di avere più di 250000 terminali in produzione. Nonostante l’ambizione di Musk, rimane ancora qualche criticità legata a problematiche tecniche o possibili cyberattacchi su Internet via satellite come Starlink.

Fonte: Fastweb

English translate

Starlink activated in Ukraine: Elon Musk guarantees connection in war

To help Ukraine in the war against Russia, Elon Musk sent SpaceX’s Starlink terminals to allow connection to the Internet thanks to satellite technology

SpaceX has sent a van loaded with Starlink terminals towards Ukraine: this is what an image tweeted by the deputy prime minister of the nation under siege tells us. The deputy prime minister had appealed to Elon Musk and his technology in a post published on Twitter where he asked for help and assistance during the Russian invasion.

In response, Musk assured that satellite Internet service had been activated for Ukraine and that more and more terminals were arriving in the country. The next day it seems that the mission was successful, while Musk responds to Mykhailo Fedorov’s request via tweet with a “You are most welcome!”

As the fighting in Ukraine intensifies, the population is starting to wonder when this situation will end and, above all, under what conditions. There have been several reports of a possible cyberattack on Internet infrastructures: in such a scenario it would be even more difficult to document the incident, get news out of the country and, for the people involved, contact their loved ones.

Now that the terminals have arrived in Ukraine, it is unclear how they will be used or distributed. The antennas need unobstructed access to the sky, which can be difficult in a war zone. Last piece, the precise positions of the SpaceX gateways are not known, even if insiders have declared their presence in nearby Poland.

How Starlink, Elon Musk’s satellite Internet, works

To enter the Starlink system, users must have a user terminal, which is a small flat white antenna that SpaceX sends directly to users. With a clear view of the sky, the antennas can send and receive signals from any active Starlink satellite in the sky. It is these terminals that were shipped to Ukraine, although the estimated quantity is not yet clear.

Much of the infrastructure that powers satellite Internet exists in space, although there is still plenty of equipment on Earth. To provide access to the Internet, satellites must be able to communicate with gateways, i.e. fixed stations on Earth connected to existing fiber optic cables.

Starlink’s numbers and problems

Starlink is SpaceX’s ambitious initiative to create an Internet from space, which aims to launch tens of thousands of satellites into low-Earth orbit to provide broadband Internet coverage on the ground below. To date, the company has nearly 2,000 active satellites in orbit.

During a live streaming event held in January, SpaceX said it had 145,000 active users, while in February Musk said in a tweet that it had more than 250,000 terminals in production. Despite Musk’s ambition, some critical issues still remain linked to technical problems or possible cyberattacks on the Internet via satellite such as Starlink.

Source: Fastweb

Guerra elettronica e cibernetica: Starlink alla prova del conflitto russo-ucraino

14 Settembre 2022

Starlink, la connessione internet satellitare Starlink fornita da Elon Musk all’Ucraina, è diventato un asset strategico per le comunicazioni e la trasmissione di dati nel recente conflitto con la Russia. Oltre 150.000 ucraini sono connessi ad internet attraverso Starlink, più degli utenti globali attivi nel 2021. I tentativi da parte della Russia di mettere fuori uso la connessione internet in Ucraina si è fin ora scontrata con la capacità di Starlink di continuare ad erogare una connessione utile per le comunicazioni da parte del governo e per fini militari.

Lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie è sempre stato un driver in grado di spostare gli equilibri durante un conflitto armato. I missili V1 e V2 e il codice enigma sviluppati dalla Germania nazista o la bomba atomica sviluppata dagli Stati Uniti durante la seconda guerra mondiale hanno avuto un impatto dirompente nella condotta delle ostilità. Allo stesso modo, l’accesso inaspettato a tecnologie sviluppate per scopi civili ma in grado di concorrere allo sforzo e all’azione bellica di una delle due parti in conflitto possono rappresentare un vantaggio importante i cui effetti nel breve, medio o lungo periodo andranno valutati successivamente.

Il 26 febbraio 2022 – due giorni dopo l’inizio del conflitto russo-ucraino e dell’attacco cyber che ha messo fuori uso la connessione internet di “diverse migliaia di clienti in Ucraina” – il Vice-Ministro ucraino Mykhailo Fedorov attraverso un tweet ha chiesto ad Elon Musk, fondatore e proprietario di Starlink, di mettere a disposizione del popolo ucraino il loro sistema internet. Sebbene il canale per la richiesta fosse quantomeno insolito, la risposta di Musk non si è fatta attendere. Dal 26 febbraio, la costellazione di satelliti sviluppata da Elon Musk e la fornitura dei sistemi di ricezione hanno rappresentato un asset strategico per l’Ucraina.

Con oltre 2400 satelliti (giugno 2022) presenti nella orbita terrestre bassa del nostro pianeta, Starlink è in grado di fornire internet senza l’ausilio di antenne, cavi sottomarini e fibra ottica. È sufficiente che il pannello, di dimensioni 30×50 cm o dal diametro di meno di 60 cm, dato in dotazione venga posto in una zona in grado di avere una “visuale” libera del cielo per potersi connettere ad una rete internet ultra-veloce. Che si tratti di trasmettere video, partecipare a videointerviste o a collegamenti con i Parlamenti dell’Occidente, inviare comunicati per la propaganda o per trasmettere informazioni e ordini militari crittografate, Starlink rappresenta oggi uno strumento fondamentale nel conflitto che sta interessando l’Ucraina con oltre 10.000 antenne dislocate sul territorio ucraino. Starlink è stato utilizzato anche dai militari ucraini per comunicare all’esterno durante il recente assedio dell’acciaieria Azovstal. Nonostante la neutralizzazione di diversi obiettivi militari per le trasmissioni sul terreno da parte della Russia, le Forze Armate ucraine sono in costante contatto fra di loro e con i vertici governativi grazie al sistema di comunicazione satelittare messo a disposizione da Elon Musk che presenta interessanti vantaggi. Infatti, le comunicazioni satellitari tradizionali soffrono di un’alta latenza data dall’altezza del satellite posto ad un’orbita geostazionaria intorno ai 46000 km. La costellazione di Starlink è posta tra i 300 e 1000 km così fornendo una connessione ultra-veloce a bassa latenza. Inoltre, se è vero che un satellite può essere, in determinate condizioni, attaccato con strumenti di guerra elettronica e tecnologie operanti nella dimensione cyber, Starlink ha mostrato elevata resistenza ad attività CEMA (Cyber Electro-Magnetic Activities) poiché, come un sistema decentralizzato, per esser efficace l’attacco deve colpire tutta la costellazione di satelliti. Come riportato dal suo fondatore, Elon Musk, Starlink è stata in grado di aggiornare e riconfigurare i propri sistemi di comunicazione “resistendo agli attacchi cyber e di jamming svolti dalla Russia”. Caratteristiche che sono state ampiamente discusse ed apprezzate dal Pentagono; il modo con cui Starlink è stato in grado di aggiornarsi mentre si presentava una minaccia è stato incredibile, “dobbiamo essere in grado di avere quella capacità”, ha affermato Dave Tremper, Direttore dell’ufficio Electronic Warfare del Segretario della Difesa statunitense. Ad oggi, secondo fonti ufficiali ucraine sono oltre 150.000 gli utenti attivi giornalieri in Ucraina che utilizzano Starlink, più degli utenti globali attivi giornalieri dello scorso anno.

Fonte: IRPA

English translate

Electronic warfare and cybernetics: Starlink tested in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

14 September 2022

Starlink, the Starlink satellite internet connection provided by Elon Musk to Ukraine, has become a strategic asset for communications and data transmission in the recent conflict with Russia. Over 150,000 Ukrainians are connected to the internet through Starlink, more than active global users in 2021. Russia’s attempts to shut down the internet in Ukraine have so far clashed with Starlink’s ability to continue providing a useful connection for government communications and military purposes.

The development of new technologies has always been a driver capable of shifting the balance during an armed conflict. The V1 and V2 missiles and Enigma Code developed by Nazi Germany or the atomic bomb developed by the United States during World War II had a disruptive impact on the conduct of hostilities. Likewise, unexpected access to technologies developed for civilian purposes but capable of contributing to the war effort and action of one of the two parties in conflict can represent an important advantage whose effects in the short, medium or long term will need to be evaluated. subsequently.

On February 26, 2022 – two days after the start of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the cyber attack that knocked out the internet connection of “several thousand customers in Ukraine” – Ukrainian Deputy Minister Mykhailo Fedorov through a tweet said asked Elon Musk, founder and owner of Starlink, to make their internet system available to the Ukrainian people. Although the channel for the request was unusual to say the least, Musk’s response was not long in coming. Since February 26, the satellite constellation developed by Elon Musk and the provision of reception systems have represented a strategic asset for Ukraine.

With over 2400 satellites (June 2022) present in the low Earth orbit of our planet, Starlink is able to provide internet without the use of antennas, submarine cables and optical fiber. It is sufficient that the panel, measuring 30×50 cm or with a diameter of less than 60 cm, supplied is placed in an area capable of having a clear “view” of the sky in order to connect to an ultra-fast internet network . Whether it is to transmit videos, participate in video interviews or connections with Western Parliaments, send communiqués for propaganda or to transmit encrypted military information and orders, Starlink today represents a fundamental tool in the conflict that is affecting Ukraine with over 10,000 antennas located on Ukrainian territory. Starlink was also used by the Ukrainian military to communicate externally during the recent siege of the Azovstal steelworks. Despite the neutralization of several military targets for ground transmissions by Russia, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are in constant contact with each other and with government leaders thanks to the satellite communication system made available by Elon Musk which presents interesting advantages. In fact, traditional satellite communications suffer from high latency given the height of the satellite placed in a geostationary orbit around 46,000 km. The Starlink constellation is located between 300 and 1000 km thus providing an ultra-fast low latency connection. Furthermore, if it is true that a satellite can be, under certain conditions, attacked with electronic warfare tools and technologies operating in the cyber dimension, Starlink has shown high resistance to CEMA activities (Cyber ​​Electro-Magnetic Activities) because, as a decentralized system, to be effective the attack must hit the entire constellation of satellites. As reported by its founder, Elon Musk, Starlink has been able to upgrade and reconfigure its communications systems “while resisting cyber and jamming attacks carried out by Russia.” Features that have been widely discussed and appreciated by the Pentagon; the way Starlink was able to update itself as a threat arose was incredible, “we need to be able to have that capability,” said Dave Tremper, Director of the US Secretary of Defense’s Electronic Warfare office. To date, according to official Ukrainian sources, there are over 150,000 daily active users in Ukraine using Starlink, more than the global daily active users last year.

Source: IRPA

Dott. Alessio Brancaccio, tecnico ambientale Università degli Studi di L’Aquila, membro della Fondazione Michele Scarponi Onlus, ideologo e membro del movimento ambientalista Ultima Generazione A22 Network per contrastare il Riscaldamento Globale indotto artificialmente dalla Geoingegneria Solare SRM americana



Dott. Alessio Brancaccio, tecnico ambientale Università degli Studi di L’Aquila, membro della Fondazione Michele Scarponi Onlus, ideologo e membro del movimento ambientalista Ultima Generazione A22 Network per contrastare il Riscaldamento Globale indotto artificialmente dalla Geoingegneria Solare SRM americana


An Egyptian company is charging Palestinians $5,000 per person to flee from Gaza and Rafah in Rafah Crossing and has increased its prices 14-fold since the war began. Sky News investigates how the company has become the only option for many families seeking safety.

By Ben van der Merwe and Michelle Inez Simon, Data and Forensics Unit

Friday 1 March 2024 08:39, UK

‘$1m a day’ – the price of freedom

For weeks, Amani* and her five children have been living in a tent in Rafah, the increasingly crowded city on Gaza’s southern border.

“There is constant bombing and terror. My children are very afraid,” she says.

“We are dying slowly and nobody cares, nobody feels for us. Our kids have no life. It’s not clean, there’s no food. Everything is difficult.”

Across the border, in Egypt, her husband Mahmoud* has been desperately trying to arrange for them to be allowed out of Gaza through the Rafah crossing.

He has not seen his wife or children for five months. Their youngest is just three years old.

“I wish I could leave and take my children to their father,” says Amani. “He is trying to make coordination for us to get to him, but it is expensive.”

Amani and her five children have been living in a tent in Rafah for weeks

By “coordination”, Amani is referring to a system by which Palestinians can pay for permission to leave the Gaza Strip.

Before the war, Palestinians faced waiting weeks or months to be allowed into Egypt. By paying a few hundred dollars to one of several companies, however, they could guarantee their travel in a matter of days.

Normal cross-border travel has been suspended since the start of the war. Coordination is now the only way for Palestinians without dual nationality to leave Gaza, barring medical evacuation.

And while there used to be several companies offering coordination, now there is only one – the Egyptian firm Hala.

Before the war, it was possible to travel with Hala for $350 (£277) – as seen in the advertisement below, by a Gaza-based travel agent offering Hala services.

Social media post by Mushtaha, a Gaza-based travel agent, offering travel with Hala for $350

Since the war began, however, Hala has increased its prices to $5,000 (£3,960) per adult – a 14-fold increase.

Sky News has verified this price by corroborating accounts from dozens of sources, including a Hala employee, as well as price lists posted online.

A price list posted to a social media page dedicated to updates on Hala’s services on 27 January

Amani and her husband owned a profitable business in Gaza City before the war. Now it is nothing but rubble.

“They asked for $5,000 for an adult and $2,500 for a kid. How can we provide it?” says Amani.

One former coordination agent tells Sky News that he quit the industry because of Hala’s price rises. “I refuse to partake in the crime of these prices and the extortion,” he says.

Hala could be making $1m per day

Officially, Egypt is only allowing the exit of foreign nationals and injured evacuees. In recent weeks, however, the majority of those receiving permission to leave Gaza did so through Hala (56%).

On 27 February, for instance, 246 people were registered to travel with Hala, compared to 40 medical evacuees and 123 foreign nationals.

Hala’s travel list for that day, shown below, included 48 children and 198 adults, six of whom were Egyptian citizens. Based on our knowledge of Hala’s fares, that means the company could have made $1,083,900 (£858,286) in just one day.

Hala travel list for 27 February, 2024

We don’t know exactly how much the company has made on other days – this is the only time their travel list has included passengers’ nationalities, and Egyptians pay a much lower fare. But the volume of passengers has been consistent for weeks.

How Hala operates

Sky News has spoken to more than 70 Palestinians to understand how Hala is able to operate, and how its prices are affecting Palestinians at a time when so many are desperate to escape for fear of an Israeli invasion of Rafah.

Our sources include 30 people who have travelled with Hala since the war began, or who have personally arranged travel for someone.

Hala leaves little in the way of a paper trail. The company is not registered on the website of the Ministry of Antiquities and Tourism, as Egyptian companies involved in cross-border travel are required to do. Its sole internet presence is two Facebook pages and a Google form.

All of our interviewees said that payment had to be made in cash, and none were provided with a receipt.

They received only a ticket with their name on, but no information about the sum paid.

And although price lists are easily found on social media, none are provided officially by Hala.

“They wouldn’t post prices officially – they don’t want the heat,” says one man who organised travel for his family. “People just inquire at the office and spread the word.”

Word spreads via social media, on Facebook pages and Telegram channels with tens or hundreds of thousands of followers.

A Hala employee told Sky News that the best way to register and pay for travel with the company was to send a relative to their head office in Cairo.

The employee said people could also pay via mobile cash transfer, though this was not corroborated by any of our sources.

A social media exchange between Sky News and a Hala employee

Hala’s main office is at the headquarters of its parent company, the Organi Group, in Cairo’s Nasr City district.

“The whole building is guarded with massive security,” said one source who had visited the office. “It’s very fancy.”

Multiple sources said that there were often hundreds or thousands of people queuing outside. Two told Sky News that they were forced to pay a non-refundable $1,000 deposit simply to get into the building.

Videos verified by Sky News show the queues on 20 February.

Sky News was able to geolocate the videos to a street outside the Organi Group’s headquarters in Nasr City, confirming their location.

Satellite image of Hala’s office at Organi Group headquarters in Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt (September 2023). SOURCE: Google

Once the money has been handed over, passengers wait to hear if they have been accepted for travel.

“Our understanding is that Egypt and Israel are very closely coordinated on who can exit through the crossing,” says Tania Hary, executive director of Israeli human rights organisation Gisha.

“So, it would surprise me if Hala’s lists were shielded from Israeli scrutiny.”

The Egyptian and Israeli authorities did not respond when asked whether they were involved in running security checks on Hala travellers.

Once their names have been approved, customers are issued a travel ticket and wait until their names appear on a travel list.

A Hala travel ticket shared with Sky News by a Hala employee

“People are quite desperate,” said Hary.

“They are fundraising, they’re asking for money from their family members, doing whatever they can to raise very high sums of money in order to pay for their own freedom.”

“Completely out of our league”

On the windswept coast of North Wales, the war in Gaza feels like a world away. But the skyrocketing cost of escaping the conflict is being felt here, too.

Hend and Ahmed moved from Gaza City to Bangor shortly before the war began on 7 October last year

“We were really shocked with the prices,” says Palestinian mother-of-two Hend when we meet at her home in Bangor. “They are completely out of our league.”

Hend and her husband Ahmed are trying to raise £48,163 through crowdfunding to pay for nine members of Ahmed’s family, including his parents, to travel with Hala.

Hend and Ahmed are trying to raise £48,163 to get Ahmed’s family out of Gaza

The couple moved from Gaza to Wales shortly before the war, so that Ahmed could take up a job as a doctor in the NHS. His parents stayed behind.

Their three-year-old son Qussai has been asking when he can speak to his grandparents again.

Hend’s and Ahmed’s parents have not had the chance to meet their five-month-old granddaughter Farida, who was born after the couple relocated.

Five-month-old Farida has not had a chance to meet her grandparents

During a video call with his grandparents early in the war, Hend says, Qussai heard the sound of bombing in the background and asked what it was.

“The first thing on my mind, I said it was a volcano,” Hend says.

“And now whenever he hears a loud voice or slamming or anything, he says it’s a volcano.

“I wonder, if any mother was in my place what would she feel? Because sometimes I find I cannot process what I feel and what I’m living.”

Hala’s current prices would be unaffordable for most Gaza residents in normal times. But salaries have gone unpaid for months, many have lost their homes, and inflation is rampant.

“Previously, if we gave someone $100 it could support them for a week or two,” says Ahmed. “It would merely cover one day now.”

“We are still far from our goal,” Hend says. “What we have collected until now is not enough to get one person out.”

Hundreds of Palestinians like Hend and Ahmed are trying to raise funds through platforms such as GoFundMe and JustGiving.

“For those people in Gaza who are deprived of everything, [Hala] is kind of a life jacket in the sea,” said a researcher from Sinai, familiar with the Egypt-Gaza border.

Sky News analysed a sample of 140 GoFundMe pages to see what kind of money Palestinians were trying to raise.

The average fundraiser was seeking enough for a typical household, which our research suggests includes a couple, their parents and four children. Yet most had not even raised enough for one adult traveller.

It can be difficult to leave without coordination

Aside from coordination, there are only two other ways to leave Gaza. Those with foreign nationality can leave through their embassies, and those with major injuries can apply for a medical evacuation.

Even for the severely wounded, getting a place on the injured list is no easy task.

Between 10 and 29 February, an average of just 44 people were included on this list each day, compared to an average of 234 who coordinated with Hala.

It took Hend four months to secure the evacuation of her father Adnan, despite him suffering a fractured femur and complications from a liver transplant.

Foreign nationals have also faced difficulties leaving via official routes. Sky News spoke to three foreign nationals (Greek, Dutch and Canadian) who were unable to leave without paying. One is currently trying to arrange travel with Hala.

Sky News asked Egypt’s foreign minister Sameh Shoukry whether the government condoned Hala charging $5,000 for Palestinians to leave the Gaza Strip.

“Absolutely not,” Shoukry said. “We will take whatever measures we need so as to restrict it and eliminate it totally. There should be no advantage taken out of this situation for monetary gain.”

Egyptian foreign minister Sameh Shoukry speaking to Sky News presenter Yalda Hakim on 18 February

Asked whether the government will look into these allegations, Shoukry said: “It is already looking into it and will take action vis-a-vis anyone who has been implicated in such activities.”

Amr Magdi, an Egypt expert at Human Rights Watch, tells Sky News that Shoukry’s response “rings hollow”.

“It doesn’t make any sense,” Magdi says. “There can’t be such economic activity, especially when it is a monopoly, without a green light from the military and without actual connections to the military.”

“It’s mainly the military and the military intelligence who control the border,” he says. “No one can pass through the border without the knowledge of the Egyptian authorities.”

Hala’s parent company, the Organi Group, is a high-profile company in Egypt. In January 2023, it became an official sponsor of Al Ahly, the most successful football team in Africa.

Al Ahly player Hussein El Shahat wearing a shirt bearing the logo of Organi Group, the owner of Hala. SOURCE: @AlAhlyEnglish

Almost all of those who spoke to us did so on the condition of anonymity, for fear of retaliation from the Egyptian authorities.

“They will arrest me and my family if they know I talked with you,” said one man, who had recently arranged his father’s exit. “I am afraid of them – you don’t know how brutal they are.”

Sky News presented its findings to Hala, the Organi Group and governments of Israel and Egypt. None of them responded.

“This isn’t life”

After five months of war, health authorities in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip say that more than 30,000 have been killed.

Half the population is now crammed into Rafah, transforming much of the city into a refugee camp.

Satellite image of Rafah with tents highlighted, 21 February 2024. SOURCE: Planet Labs PBC

Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered his military to prepare for a “powerful” ground invasion of the city but has not set out any plan for the evacuation of Rafah’s 1.5 million residents.

Egypt has categorically rejected any suggestion that Palestinians should be allowed to flee en masse into Sinai.

However, footage shared by the Egypt-based group Sinai for Human Rights and verified by Sky News shows a large land-clearing operation is under way on the Egyptian side of the Rafah border, as well as the construction of a wall.

Sky has not been able to independently verify the purpose of the construction works, but Sinai for Human Rights says that it is intended to house an influx of Palestinian refugees.

Shoukry told Sky News that the activity was part of the “ordinary maintenance” of the border. “It is in no way related to providing any camps or shelter on our side of the border,” he said.

As of 26 February, satellite imagery shows, an area of roughly 15 square kilometres has been cleared.

High-resolution imagery from the same date shows scores of trucks and construction vehicles in the area.

For parents like Amani, the mother-of-five in Rafah, it is difficult to see what kind of future their children can expect.

“This isn’t life, living on the streets with no food or water,” she says. “We are living in fear.”

Amani’s children have not seen their father Mahmoud in five months. It would cost the couple $17,500 to reunite their family.

“I want them to see their father but it’s too expensive,” Amani says.

“God willing, the price will fall.”

Additional reporting by Sam Doak and Mary Poynter.

*Amani’s and Mahmoud’s names have been changed to preserve their anonymity.

The Data and Forensics team is a multi-skilled unit dedicated to providing transparent journalism from Sky News. We gather, analyse and visualise data to tell data-driven stories. We combine traditional reporting skills with advanced analysis of satellite images, social media and other open-source information. Through multimedia storytelling, we aim to better explain the world while also showing how our journalism is done.

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Una compagnia egiziana chiede ai palestinesi 5.000 dollari a persona per fuggire da Gaza e Rafah al valico di Rafah e ha aumentato i prezzi di 14 volte dall’inizio della guerra. Sky News indaga su come l’azienda sia diventata l’unica opzione per molte famiglie in cerca di sicurezza.

Dott. Alessio Brancaccio, tecnico ambientale Università degli Studi di L’Aquila, membro della Fondazione Michele Scarponi Onlus, ideologo e membro del movimento ambientalista Ultima Generazione A22 Network per contrastare il Riscaldamento Globale indotto artificialmente dalla Geoingegneria Solare SRM americana